Title: Unlikely Saviours
dfriendlyRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Uther, Arthur, Morgana, et al. ; Gwen/Arthur
Word Count: 1,996
Spoilers: Some Series 2
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. All I possess is my adoration for it.
Summary: This is for the prompts F-27: “Gwen has to defend Uther” and F-62: “Uther defends Gwen”.
Author’s notes: Written for the 14 Days of Arthur & Guinevere at
I’m not sure if these were what the prompters were looking for, since ‘defend’ can be a number of things. (Defend someone’s life; defend someone’s reputation. Verbally defend; physically defend.) So I hope it satisfies the prompters.
There was a fraction of a moment where the hall was silent, save for the footfalls of the sorceress as she approached the king