Where Angels Fear to Tread 4/4- Merlin Fic

Jan 01, 2010 15:57

Title: Where Angels Fear To Tread [4/4]
Author: mydoctortennant
Pairing/s: Arthur/Gwen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Merlin, unfortunately, doesn’t belong to me… maybe one day!
Dedication: noodlesishere for her prompt ‘relief’ and want of a kiss.
Summary: What would have happened in 2x04 had Lancelot not miraculously been in Hengis’ place.
Notes: This comes to you un-beta'd so if there are spelling mistakes or whatnot they are all my own, and if you want to point things out to me, go ahead XD Title from Bryan Adams song of the same name.
>>Prompt me<< with my shiny prompt table all for Merlin =D

Part OnePart Two | Part Three

You found your way into my head... )

pairing: arthur/guinevere, rating: pg, writer: mydoctortennant

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