The Exile is Updated, Chapter27, Fate's Reaction

Aug 25, 2013 13:37

The Exile: As Morgana attempts to steal Camelot's throne a banished Guinevere is building a new life for herself, but neither love nor destiny are ready to let go of the blacksmith's daughter. She does not yet believe it, but the fate of Albion turns on the choice of Guinevere.
rating: teen
characters: Merlin, Arthur, Kilgharrah, Hunith, Sir Elyan, Morgana

chapter summary: Having alienated all of his friends Merlin decides to strike out on his own, but he soon learns it's not so easy to walk away from the wreckage he has created in Camelot. Crippled by guilt for the choices he's made Merlin learns the true cost of his actions in chapter 27 of The Exile, Fate's Reaction.

The Exile,Chapter XXVVII: Fate's Reaction

Beta: by my best friend Shanel and Babykay47 thank you both so much, this story would be considerably weaker without both of you.

4x09: lancelot du lac, genre: romance, pairing: arthur/guinevere, rating: teen, genre: au, fanwork: fic

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