Merlin Oneshot: Make Firm the Shuddering Breath

Feb 27, 2013 22:07

Title: Make Firm the Shuddering Breath
by Jesterlady
Pairing: Arthur/Gwen
Rating: PG
Summary: Arthur confronts Morgana in the throne room and she lets slip a crucial bit of information about Gwen and Lancelot.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. Some lines are from the episode. The title is from Rudyard Kipling.
A/N: Besides needing the truth about Gwen's so called indiscretion to come to light, I propose one theory here: villains like to take credit for their villainous deeds. Monologuing, you know. Granted it's more effective and horrific to not take credit, but I think even someone like Morgana would want to get that one final dig in before death. Comments and concrit are always welcome and longed for.


4x13: the sword in the stone part 2, 4x09: lancelot du lac, genre: episode fic, rating: pg, character: arthur, merlin: series 4, character: morgana, length: one-shot, character: guinevere, pairing: arthur/guinevere, genre: romance, fanwork: fic

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