The Exile and Other Stories

Feb 21, 2013 00:44

Titles: The Exile and The Days of Fire and Ash
Chapter20: Wartime Tales, Tale the 1st, The Lost Boy
One Shot: The Days of Fire and Ash
Author: AGDoren
Rating: Teen
Genre: Romance-Fantasy, AU
Spoilers: Up to and Including episode 4x9
Characters/Pairings: Guinevere, Tom, Sir Elyan, Queen Annis, Lord Constans the Duke of Cornwall.
The Exile
Summary: Wartime Tales, Stories Out of the Occupation of Camelot is a collection short stories of Morgana's second occupation of Camelot as experienced by two commoners and two knights, Hafrene Daughter of Magistrate Grigor, Janet the second bracelet victim, Sir Elyan and Sir Gwaine. The first tale, the Lost Boy begins several days before the occupation as Sir Elyan learns of Morgana's plan to invade and finds himself torn between his loyalty to family and his loyalty to the people of Camelot.
Author’s notes: there are three more shorts following and then stories weave back into the regular narrative. Tale the 2nd is Spring Flowers, Hafrene's tale, Tale the 3rd is The Blighted Blossom is Janet's Tale and Tale the 4th The Fallen Shield is Sir Gwaine's Tale.
Betaed: Bluemagicrose and Tassja, thank you both for all of your help, The Exile would be so much less without you both.
Read: Wartime Tales, Tale the 1st The Lost Boy
TW: while the rating remains teen be warning for sexual assualt, violence and cruelty to animals.

The Days of Fire and Ash
Chapters: One-shot complete
Summary: Set before the start of season 1. After his best friend was burnt at the stake for the crime of sorcery fourteen year-old Elyan ran away from home. Angered and frightened by her brother's absence Gwen blames their father. Now whenever there is an execution for sorcery Tom and Gwen argue.
Author's Notes: written for the AG fic community MC6 short fic battle 2012. This story is part of The Blacksmith's Daughter timeline and expands a little bit on things mentioned in The Exile regarding Sir Elyan's back story and his motivations in the present.
Beta: just me.
Read: The Days of Fire and Ash

rating: pg-15, 4x09: lancelot du lac, genre: angst, character: arthur, merlin: series 4, character: guinevere, pairing: arthur/guinevere, genre: romance

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