Merlin Oneshot: When Your Tears Are Spent On Your Last Defense

Jan 17, 2013 23:15

Title: When Your Tears Are Spent On Your Last Defense
by Jesterlady
Pairing: Arthur/Gwen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Merlin isn't satisfied with the end of 4x09, Lancelot Du Lac, and resolves to acquit his friends and reunite Arthur and Gwen.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. Some lines are from the show. The title is from a song by Marianas Trench.
A/N: I was literally fuming for hours, muttering things under my breath, and snapping at my family. It pissed me off so badly. One of the things that I had loved about the way the show handled the legend was with their telling of the love triangle between Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot. It was obvious Gwen cared for both men, she'd had relationships of a sort with both of them, but never at the same time. There was never a hint of infidelity. I am a hardcore Arwen shipper, but I truly love this version of Lancelot and felt badly for him, but still had nothing to shame the writers for until this episode. At first I was kinda impressed, thinking, 'oh, what a clever way to fit the betrayal into the show without it being an actual betrayal. Merlin will clear it all up and then the only reason we'll think something happened is cause of the distortion of time.' Except no, it didn't happen like that. Gwen was MALIGNED and Lancelot's honor BESMIRCHED! I am so upset about it. No one but Morgana will ever know that Gwen didn't do that of her own free will. Were those her natural feelings? Sure. But she obviously was not giving in to them and didn't have a idea to do so at all. Then I thought that maybe it will all get cleared up in a few episodes, make it suspenseful. And, yeah, they cleared it up, but without ever clearing Gwen's reputation. Both she and Arthur still think she betrayed him. That just makes me so mad. And especially with the little speech he gives Merlin about him not being able to trust her again and I actually thought that was amazing, but the problem is he goes back on it in four episodes, so it meant nothing. If he went back on it because he'd found out she was innocent that would be one thing, but there would have to be a whole lot more between them and time before it would have been right for him to take her back. Not just cause he missed her and was caught up in post-almost death bonding. I could go on about this a lot, but while no one was happier than I when Gwen was finally crowned Queen, I am deeply disappointed in how it happened.
So I had to write this fixing it and it really was just meant to be a little thing that got Merlin off his ass and fixing things like he's supposed to but then all of a sudden I got to implicate Agravaine and then magic came up and I swear Gwen found out about Merlin without me even knowing how. So, I hope you enjoy.



rating: pg-13, 4x09: lancelot du lac, genre: romance, pairing: arthur/guinevere, genre: angst, fanwork: fic

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