Title: The Exile
Chapter XVII: Making a Miracle
Author: AGDoren
Rating: Teen
Genre: Romance-Fantasy, AU
Spoilers: Up to and Including episode 4x9
Characters/Pairings: Guinevere,Ylsa, Synove, Ms. Alfonsa, Father Flajer, Tesni, Abebech and wonderful collection of OCs, Guinevere/Arthur
Summary: An incident at the townhouse sparks outrage and Guinevere accompanies Ylsa on a most unusual delivery, three at one birth.
Author's notes: Despite a somewhat tense and dramatic opening this chapter ends on a cheerful note and I hope some of you find it to be an antidote to your unhappiness at the Merlin series finale.
Betaed: my best friend Shanel and Bluemagicrose
The Exile,
Making a Miracle