Title: The Twelve Days of Christmas
Chapter: The 2nd Day of Christmas, Oh Christmas Tree Pt. 2
Author: AGDoren
Rating: Mature
Genre: Family/Humor, Modern/AU
Spoilers: none
Characters, pairings and trioings: Guinevere, Merlin, Arthur, Tom, Elyan, Uther, Igraine, Morgana, Hunith as well as original characters Beverly- Gwen's mother and Tom's wife, Janine- Gwen's older sister. Merlin/Gwen/Arthur, Uther/Igraine, Tom/Beverly
Summary: Merlin, Guinevere and Arthur set out to find the perfect Christmas tree but with Christmas just twelve days away it's no easy task. How far will they have to go for the perfect tree?
Author's notes: This was a originally a much shorter fill an MC6 fic battle prompt but I always wanted to make it longer. The fic will include Twelve Chapters, a prologue and an epilogue, expect short updates daily through Christmas, and enjoy my gift to you. All location mentioned are real places in and around Chicago, IL.
The 2nd Day of Christmas, Oh Christmas Tree Pt. 2