Three Sentence Fic

Jul 21, 2012 17:55

Rating: G
Disclaimer: These characters are borrowed.
Summary: I’m now in the process of transferring all my fic from tumblr to LJ. Below are the fic to AG and Bradley/Angel prompts that were requested. I'm not sure of the rules for posting RPF on here, so let me know if that isn't allowed. Thanks!

arthur/gwen, sunglasses, playground/park for lilzipop )

arthur/gwen, beach, barefoot for team-angel-coulby )

arthur/gwen, hotel room, awkward silence for rubberglue )

arthur/gwen for maardala )

bradley/angel, france, hats for withkissesfour )

bradley/angel, france, egos for withkissesfour )

bradley/angel, france, camera for theres-always-hope )

fanwork: drabble, pairing: arthur/guinevere, fanwork: fic

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