Title: In Our Own Skins (4/8)
ceecee_05Rating: R (this chapter contains lots of sexual content, and swearing)
Characters/Pairings (In this chapter): Gwaine, Gwen, Merlin, Percy, Leon, Cedric(Cenred), Morgause (allusions to Arthur/Gwen and Gwen/Lance)
Spoilers: NONE
Disclaimer: MERLIN's not mine, just the grammatical errors.
Summary: Gwaine has way too many problems.
Author's notes: This chapter contains some mentions of homoerotic content, and is OOC in many ways. A lot happens in this chapter so I hope it doesn't come off too rushed. Be forewarned that I'm the only one who's edited this. I apologize in advance for any errors.
Chapter 4 here:
http://ceecee-05.livejournal.com/3231.html Chapter 1-3 can be found here: