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scarlettpeony November 24 2011, 00:21:01 UTC
1. Agravaine almost gets stabbed by a Pendragon.
Most likely that's going to be Morgana. As others have said she's probably going to be super pissed to hear that Arthur and Gwen are engaged.

2. “We all have our secrets and unfortunately for *********, I know ****.”
I'm guessing the first blank is "Guinevere" but not sure about the second blank. I assumed it was "hers" and everyone seems to agree. So let's go with "We all have our secrets and unfortunately for Guinevere, I know hers." which indicates that Morgana is going to randomly remember that Gwen has a crush on Lancelot six years ago. She would have done better to just enchant Gwen/Merlin to think they are madly in love. Now THAT'S an episode I'd enjoy. ;)

3. Morgana believes that another one of her visions has come to pass.
She is almost certainly going be worried that the 3x10 vision is going to happen, that Gwen will soon be queen.

4. Arthur surprises Gwen and her response confuses him.
I'm guessing she's a little bit surprised by his proposal. Like a few others have suggested, she looks as if she's about to burst into tears in the trailer... so it is possible that he's worried she's upset, when really she's overjoyed. I mean, she's only been waiting five years! :DDD

5. Morgana feels sad for what ******** used to be.
"Lancelot". It could be "Dochraid", maybe? But then surely it would be "The" and then 8-letter-blank. Someone on the other thread suggested it could be Guinevere again but, as we all know, Gwen spells her name with nine letters. Maybe Morgana feels a little sorry that Pod!Lancelot is such a shadow of his former self. Instead of being boring and emo, he's now suave and creepy.

6. “I did what I felt was right in my heart.”
Probably comes from the bile spouted by Pod!Lancelot. Boo! I'm guessing his little pre-enchantment failed seduction scene at Gwen's house.

7. Gwen holds the hand of the man she loves in his tent.
I'd like to think it's Arthur, but it could be Lancelot after she gets enchanted. However I think this teaser is just to make us threat and this will probably be Gwen's last scene with Arthur before Lancelot does manage to enchant her. *cries* If it is an Arthur scene, this might be the moment where Gwen tells him that she loves him... which will make what follows all the more ouchie.

8. Agravaine ensures that his nephew is in the right place at the wrong time.
For the kiss, which does lend us to the side of her being enchanted and the whole thing being very much staged. Agravaine and Pod!Lancelot probably were up all night planning it. ;)

9. Merlin is shocked at witnessing the actions of his friends.
Lancelot chasing Gwen, Gwen kissing Lancelot, Arthur almost certain going to try and murder Lancelot, Gwen getting thrown in prison for five minutes possibly? It's gonna be a car wreck.

10. Arthur makes an extremely difficult decision and Merlin tries to change his mind.
Probably to break up with Gwen? I don't think her being enchanted is a good enough excuse for what happens. He may forgive her for that but it's bound to stir up old wounds that were neatly tied up before; not just the events of 2x04, they are long forgotten, but Lancelot's genuine sacrifice. He died for Arthur, and yet he comes back and destroys him - using the woman he loves as a weapon. I just think Arthur has a right to feel damaged and Gwen will have a right to come out of this feeling very out of sorts.

I also think it is possible that, even after all of this, Arthur will probably be pressured to give Gwen up. A queen should be beyond reproach, so Gwen will probably have to prove she is such a woman by other means.

11. Merlin says goodbye to a close friend.
Could be Gwen. Could be Lancelot. As I said elsewhere we assume it's Gwen, but it could equally be Lancelot because he might have to *die* again and finally this time Merlin has a chance to say goodbye to him. He didn't really get to last time.


ella_rose88 November 24 2011, 00:38:08 UTC
I'm guessing she's a little bit surprised by his proposal. Like a few others have suggested, she looks as if she's about to burst into tears in the trailer... so it is possible that he's worried she's upset, when really she's overjoyed. I mean, she's only been waiting five years! :DDD

I actually think this is referring to a scene in the trailer where Arthur goes behind Gwen and covers her eyes.

I'd like to think it's Arthur, but it could be Lancelot after she gets enchanted. However I think this teaser is just to make us threat and this will probably be Gwen's last scene with Arthur before Lancelot does manage to enchant her. *cries* If it is an Arthur scene, this might be the moment where Gwen tells him that she loves him... which will make what follows all the more ouchie.

I agree because I think Lancelot reveals himself at the tournament which makes what happens next worse!

Maybe they will surprise us and it will be Lancelot though Gwen leaves. Because we know that Lancelot isn't in 4x10 to 4x13.


scarlettpeony November 24 2011, 00:44:21 UTC
We don't even know for certain that Lancelot will be back-back or whether he'll just have to go back to the Other World. He did technically die and presumably he will eventually have to go back in order to maintain the balance of the world.

So we'll see. I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility, because there were also those spoilers from JC and JM about Gwen/Elyan, which we currently can presume might be abut 4x11... suggesting Gwen might not be absent (although I think she still might be).

As for the tournament scene, it seems significant that they say "holds hands with the man she loves": they are either being ironic (Enchanted w/ Lancelot) or they are hinting at a potential statement of love (Gwen/Arthur = OTL ♥)

I do think it could be the last scene between them before it all goes to hell.


ella_rose88 November 24 2011, 00:48:30 UTC
That interview with JC and JM they said that no one is really dead in Merlin when asked about Morgause. So its possible that Lancelot may return in series 5.

I know it could be about E!Gwen with Lancelot or A/G! I hope it is the latter and not the former. Which makes me sad because after that it all goes down...


lostinlace November 24 2011, 02:14:41 UTC
*grabs and holds on to already strapped seat belts for all the upcoming car wrecks*



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