(no subject)

May 26, 2014 14:17

Author: wanderlust48
Title: Strangers in a Lift
Rating: PG
Pairing/s: Merlin/ Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur
Summary: Captain Arthur, commander of the starship Kilgarrah, is stuck escorting important Druidic visitor Emrys across the ship. Then both of them are stuck- in the lift.
Warnings: Fluff, er, no sexy times?
Word Count: 600 words
Prompt: #110 (Strangers no more) (with the 2 handprints)
Author's Notes: I know, this is SO overdone and unoriginal. But hey, Arthur and Merlin stuck in a lift is never boring (at last, I hope they're not here). Thanks to K for the read- through.


First Arthur mistook Merlin Emrys, Son of the Great Druid Colony for the messenger boy and ordered him to “bring me to your leader” (how was Arthur supposed to know that druids looked so young and that those brown sack-cloths were their formal garments?).

Next, his normally competent people mislaid the important thing the Druids bought all the way across the galaxy for the gift exchange ceremony. This set off a massive hunt, which ended with when the whatnot was located.

Then came the news that the gift couldn’t be extracted so easily and could Emrys himself come and attend to it? Since all available hands had been deployed on the search, that left Arthur himself to escort Emrys across the length of the starship to where the mysterious gift was stashed.

Now, he, Captain Arthur Pendgragon, commander of the starship Kilgarrah was stuck with Merlin Emrys, heir apparent of the Druidic Colony in the lift. Arthur thought these things only happened in the dark ages before space travel was possible.

“Sorry, sir, we’re looking into it now,” Elyan’s tinny voice came in over the communicator.

“What’s the meaning of this? Killy’s systems don’t just malfunction,” Arthur slammed his hand repeatedly onto the screen, but the system just would not scan.

“There seems to be some force on board interfering with the generators,” Elyan said.

“There’s nothing new on board,” Arthur said. Except their guests. He turned to Emrys, not feeling very hospitable towards his guest right now.

Emyrs spluttered, the tips of his too-big ears turning bright red, and his mouth dropping open. Arthur thought it  made him look like a right idiot.

“What? Don’t blame us if your technology is inferior. Who still has palm scanners? Sheesh!” Emyrs looked flustered as he clutched his hair, making it even messier. The raven curls was sticking to his milky neck. The transporter pod (that’s what they called the new-fangled lifts)  was stuffy now. The climate control must be affected too.

Fucking fantastic. Arthur was sure Admiral Uther (his father) and Grand Druid Balinor (Emrys senior) would not be pleased to be kept waiting.

Shit, now Emrys wasn’t looking so good either. The lanky man-child wiped the sweat from his face and was breathing heavily. His eyes had taken on a distant glazed look.

Arthur said, “Er.. do you need to sit down? We’re not going…”

Emrys’ body went slack and he slumped to the floor; Arthur leapt forward and grabbed him just in time.

What was the procedure when the strikingly handsome son of an important dignitary fainted in your arms, shivering and burning up?

Arthur’s answer to that: You wiped his sweaty brow with your red cloak, because that’s the only decently clean fabric around that wouldn’t scratch the man’s tender skin. You then methodically loosened  items of his clothing to ease the fever, most certainly not looking at the long lines of his body, the lean muscles on his chest and the fine bones of his wrists. Then when his eyelids fluttered, giving the temporary illusion of golden irises and he muttered nonsense about an egg and destiny, you held his face in both your hands and made shushing sounds.

Really, all standard procedure. Arthur would have done it for anyone. Even if it was a stranger in a lift. He supposed they weren’t really strangers anymore, given that Emrys was lying almost naked next to him, head in his lap and hand in his hand.

The heat was making Arthur feel light-headed too, and he leaned back to rest, just for a little while.

He awoke to a babble of voices and a crowd of curious faces crowding him. Oops.


c:merlin, pt 110:picture prompt(strangers no more), type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, rating:pg, c:arthur

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