Prompt #98: Master List
Another successful prompt! We are so happy and excited. Please check these wonderful drabbles that were created for this week’s prompt. And don’t forget to leave them your love, they all deserve it!
Drabbles can now be posted anywhere you want. Also, our A03 mod is now accepting submissions to
our AO3 subcollection for this prompt. If you have any questions about submitting, please let
fuckyeah know.
A Click and a World Away by
kleinefee92 (Arthur/Merlin; PG)
Let's Play by
afleur_de_lis (Morgana/Merlin; G) - WARNING: a bit of magical torture. *perhaps rating should go up, but it isn't too bad so it is considered gen...*
A Dare's A Dare by
agirlnamedtruth (Merlin/Mordred; PG-13) - WARNING: Twin incest.
Truth or Dare by
clea2011 (Arthur/Merlin; R) - WARNING: Blackmail for sexual favours implied
Truth or dare by
amarie_authiel (Elena/Vivian, Morgana/Leon; PG-13) - WARNING: Drinking?
Complications (Sequel to A Dare's A Dare) by
agirlnamedtruth (Merlin/Mordred; PG-13) - WARNING: Twin incest.
Dare To Speak the Truth by
sidhe_faerie (Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Morgana, Lance/Elena, Leon/Mithian, Percival/Vivian, Elyan/Adara; PG) - WARNING: alcohol use.
Dare by
loopstagirl (Merlin/Arthur; NC-17) - WARNING: Bondage, delayed orgasm
Dare gone wrong by
bunnysworld (Percival/Arthur; PG-13)
Love Game by
aeris444 (Merlin/Lanclot; PG-13)
Late Night Calling by
rottencreampuff (Merlin/Arthur; PG) - WARNING: Slight Alcohol Use, however it doesn't really affect anything in the drabble
Not So Hard Truths by
brunettepet (Merlin, Morgana, Arthur; PG)
Flashback by
digthewriter (Merlin, Arthur, Helios; PG)