
Oct 29, 2013 07:54

Author: Loopstagirl
Title: Pride
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin
Summary: Was it really so hard for Arthur to put his pride to one side?
Warnings: Bondage (?)
Word Count: 998
Prompt: Pride
Author's Notes:I had been aiming for something really innocent this week.

Merlin circled his prey, a glint in his eye as he stared down at the helpless prince. Arthur was twisting in his restraints, but there was no way he could break free of the silk ties binding him to his own bed. The position looked unnatural and definitely uncomfortable and there was a sheen of sweat covering the royal. But Merlin knew all he had to do was say a couple of words and it would all be over.

“I’m going to have you in the stocks for this, Merlin.”

“Of course, Sire.”


“You seem to forget, Sire, that I know how to be humbled when I need to be. They are only a humiliation if you let it be. But if you look for the good in the situation, then it can be a completely different experience altogether.”

“Merlin…” Arthur writhed as he whined, and Merlin was reminded again just how pretty Arthur looked like this. He couldn’t even remember what had led to the argument in the first place, but he never lost sight of what he was trying to achieve. Their positions in bed were not something Merlin had ever really thought about - he loved the feel of Arthur inside of him and so was perfectly happy with that arrangement. But something the prince had said had got him thinking, and Arthur had pushed him over the edge earlier that day and he had decided to teach the prince a lesson in humility. Until Arthur shelved his pride and begged, he was stuck here.

And considering the lover circling him was naked and enjoying the sights in front of him, Merlin had to wonder just how deep the Pendragon stubbornness ran. It was clear that Arthur was aroused, it would just be a matter of time before he let that cloud his senses.


Sighing, Merlin wrapped another silk tie around his hands and leant over the bed, gently pressing it into Arthur’s mouth.

“You can’t beg if I gag you. But if you don’t shut up with the whining, I’ll have no choice. And then I’ll just have to leave you here, understand?” Gently drawing the tie out, Merlin captured Arthur’s lips and explored his mouth for a moment while letting his hands wander over the toned and struggling body. Arthur grunted, arching into him and that was Merlin’s sign to pull away. He was bringing Arthur to the edge, there was no way the prince would risk being gagged and not being provided with any relief. By the time he straightened up, Merlin was breathing heavily and Arthur’s eyes were blown.

“Just say it, Arthur.”

The prince stubbornly shook his head, although Merlin could see that he was almost having to bite his lip to stop any sound escaping him. Merlin sighed, spinning Arthur’s normal chair around and positioning it so that Arthur could see him. The man’s eyes went wide as he watched Merlin sink into it, letting his legs fall apart as his hand drifted to his own arousal. Merlin bit his lip, watching Arthur closely as he began to stroke himself. It only took seconds before Arthur was struggling again, and Merlin realised this was the first time that they had both been aroused and Arthur hadn’t dragged him to the bed. Or the wall. Or floor. The prince was never picky, but he always initiated what he knew they both wanted. Now, however, he had no choice and he too seemed to realise that as he struggled in earnest. But the ties were never going to give, Merlin had made sure of that and Arthur was reduced to a panting, writhing mess as he tried to do something.

“You know what you need to do, Arthur,” Merlin muttered, trying to control himself as he continued to put on a display for his royal lover.

How long it went on for, he didn’t know. But he did know that Arthur refused to give in for so long that Merlin was forced to light the candles. It was moments like this he was glad that Arthur knew about his magic. But Merlin spent the afternoon switching between driving Arthur insane and completely ignoring the prince, not wanting to find his own release until Arthur could do so. The servant was just beginning to feel tired when he let his attention return to his prisoner.

“It hurts, doesn’t it?” Arthur had been hard for hours, Merlin had no idea how he had stayed quiet. Then again, the servant knew he could be particularly vocal in bed whereas Arthur sounded more animalistic. The prince nodded and Merlin moved forward. He perched on the end of the bed and ran a finger teasingly up Arthur’s cock.

It proved to be his undoing.

The hint of what was to come caused Arthur’s barriers to come crashing down as he tried to buck up into Merlin’s hand.

“Please, Merlin…please, I beg you, damnit just…please…” It was an incoherent babbling mess, but Merlin got the message. Arthur had not only said please (the point of the whole exercise in the first place) but had gone further and actually begged. Merlin realised he liked the sound of Arthur begging and was on the bed in seconds.

His eyes flashed as he released Arthur, sinking onto him at the same time. Both men groaned and Arthur moved the second he could. He flipped them, forcing Merlin’s knees to fall open as he gripped the servant’s hands and pinned them to the pillow, driving into him with frenzy. Merlin took it eagerly, his body responding to the hard pounding and he wriggled a wrist free, brushing the hair of Arthur’s forehead tenderly as the prince grunted above him.

“Nothing wrong with letting your pride down occasionally, love,” he murmured gently only for his head to slam back with a gasp as Arthur changed his angle.

Whereas Arthur had taken all day to beg, it only took Merlin a few moments.

pt 081:tmos-pride, rating:nc-17, c:merlin, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, *c:loopstagirl, c:arthur

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