Long Live the King

Sep 03, 2013 10:47

Author: candymacaron
Title: Long Live the King
Rating: nc-17
Pairing/s: Merlin, Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gwaine, Percy
Summary: Modern AU. Merlin's birthday present is a trip to a cheesy male strip club. Needless to say he isn't pleased.
Warnings: Somewhat ridiculous. Implied adult themes, but nothing direct.
Word Count: 1053
Prompt: Attraction
Author's Notes: I wrote this fic while having a very high fever (I hate being sick 0_0), so my apologies if its not up to the usual snuff.

“Surprise, Merlin! Happy 18th!” Gwen and Morgana shouted.

Merlin slipped his scarf off of his eyes, letting it fall back to it’s home round his neck. He blinked once, looked out the windshield and spotted the male strip club directly across from their car.

A dry rasp escaped the back of his throat. “You can’t be serious-,” Merlin said.

“Oh but we are,” Morgana replied, killing the ignition and smiling conspiratorially at Gwen in the back seat.

The club had a gaudy faux stone face. A neon sign flashing it’s name at epilepsy inducing speeds. Merlin went for the power windows but Morgana, sneaky devil, had put the child locks on. He pulled at the door handle, but that too, was locked.

“I’m not going in there!” Merlin squeaked.

“And why not?”

“For god’s sake, the club is called Cum-a-lot!”

“Perfect isn’t it? I know how you love medieval things.” Morgana grinned.

She jumped out of her seat, whirled to the front of the car and hauled Merlin out. Merlin groaned. He’d been suspicious when the girls kidnapped him after science class, but he’d supposed their birthday surprise to be nothing more evil then a movie and chocolate cake.

Gwen linked one of Merlin’s arms and Morgana the other, forcing him inside the club. Colorful lights pulsated to the beat of house music. The male entertainers looked shiny as new coins as they strutted shirtless for their patron’s pleasure. Continuing on the lusty knight theme, they wore nothing but chain mail print hot pants plastic swords dangling useless at their sides.

Despite Merlin’s reservations, the club seemed to be popular. Women and men jostled for space by the stage, tossing money in handfuls. “Show some love for Gwaine!” The tinny voice of a DJ called, the man preforming thrusting heartily to the music. As if his goal was to impregnate every member of the audience.

Morgana let out a wolf whistle, then ushered Gwen and Merlin to a table with a clear view of the entertainment.

“Drinks on me,” Gwen blushed, flagging down the giant of a waiter and ordering the group a round of lemon drops.

“I don’t’ want a drink. I want to go home…” Merlin moaned.

Morgana elbowed Merlin’s ribs. “Relax, and drink your booze. It’s good for you. I swear, Merlin, you’re the most boring gay guy I’ve ever met!”

Merlin hid his face behind his hands. Morgana wasn’t even drunk yet, and she was already getting testy. It was going to be a long night, and Merlin only hoped that tomorrow he wouldn’t be waking up with a splitting headache and his face against the toilet.

The club erupted in clapping as Gwaine danced off stage. “And now, let’s give a big Cum-a-lot welcome for the king himself, Arthur!” The DJ cried.

Bolstered by a chorus of, “Long live the king”, the next performer stepped onto the glitter-spattered stage.

Merlin let his hands slide down his face-

Seeing a grown man in a furry red half-cape and a plastic crown should have been.... disturbing. But from the moment Arthur walked into the spotlight, it was clear that he owned the crowd. The raunchy movement of his hips was dazzling. His light blue eyes and smug smile positively majestic.

Merlin didn’t want to look, but he couldn’t help gawking at the awe-inspiring preformance.

“And we’ve found the winner!” Morgana snickered, taking a healthy drink of her cocktail.

“For…what exactly?” Merlin asked.

“Your birthday gift from me. I can tell he’s the one you like best,” she said, glancing to Merlin’s crotch. “Now how about I pay the man to sit in your lap when his sets over?”

Merlin tugged his faded t-shirt down. “No. Fucking. Way.” he growled.

“Too late.” Morgana chuckled.

Merlin bolted up from his chair, screeching the legs back. But before he could run Mr. pelvic thrust from earlier and the giant waiter were on him.

“Heard it’s your birthday.” The giant grinned, cupping his meaty hand on Merlin’s shoulder.


The private performance room was dark, and set up with a large 360-degree mirror. In front of this sat a red velvet couch, looking like puckered lips. “His majesty awaits,” Mr. thrust said with a playful wink, as the giant sat Merlin down and left him to stare at himself.

When the door opened again, a new reflection filled the Mirror. The blond man’s toned body on display from every possible angle.

Up close Merlin could tell his first impression was spot on. This Arthur fellow was…. attractive. But there was also something plastic him- like the way his come hither smile never quite touched his eyes.

Arthur stalked towards Merlin with a predatory swagger, whispering a sultry, “I like your scarf-”

Merlin fingered the garment around his neck, feeling his legs quake as the stripper leaned over him to straddle his hips.

He’d never been this close with another man before-

“My friends put me up to this!” Merlin said.

The edge of Arthur’s lip quirked in quiet interest.

“Birthday and all that,” Merlin stuttered, cursing the stream of drivel pouring from his mouth. “And It’s not that your not… well…look at you. But, couldn’t we just…. kiss and call this done?“

Arthur’s jaw steeled, his voice a low hum. “First rule of the club is no direct skin to skin with the talent. Or did you not bother to read the sign?”

Merlin screwed his eyes shut. He could feel his face flushing redder then the velvet couch.

Had he really just asked a freak'n stripper to kiss him?

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Without warning Merlin felt the wet tingling of lips brushing his own. His eyes fluttered open just in time to see Arthur pulling back, a genuine smile warming his face. The blond man used his thumb to smudge body spray from his pecks across Merlin’s cheek. Tugged his scarf to the side and, as a final touch- ran his hands through Merlin's thick black hair.

“There,” Arthur said. “You can tell your friends you’ve been thoroughly ravaged, but don’t you dare mention the other bit.”

Merlin felt a weight lifting off of his thighs. He licked his lips, watching with a confused longing.... as the king left the room.

*c:candymacaron, c:merlin, p:arthur/merlin, rating:nc-17, pt 073:attraction, type:drabble, c:gwen, c:gwaine, c:morgana, c:arthur

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