Object of his affection

May 05, 2012 16:18

Author: bunnysworld
Title:Object of his affection
Summary:Merlin loves to see and touch
Word Count:101 (Almost! Almost!!!)
Author's Notes:I know I’m following a pattern here, but I like it, so you have to live with it. *grins*
Thanks to tambear13 for beating my grammar into submission.

Sliding his fingers over the surface, he smiled. He knew every ridge, every soft curve, every dome, it was soft and hard all at once. Since the first time he’d seen it, he knew it was perfect. And it made him a little hot under the neckerchief, no matter if he just saw it on him, or if he was allowed to touch it. Sometimes he had hot dreams about it and its owner and woke up sweaty in tangled sheets...

“Merlin! Stop dreaming and give me my crown! I can hardly greet the other kings for the tournament without it!”

After the tournament

*c:bunnysworld, pt 005:crown, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, rating:pg-13

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