Prompt 5 Signup

May 04, 2012 10:00

                                                     Sign-up's closed!!!!

Prompt # 5 Crown

We start off the month of May with a prompt taken from our Donate A Prompt entry. This week's prompt is Crown (as suggested by angelqueen04)

The rules are simple.
1.] All drabbles/arts must follow the prompt.
2.] All pairings, rating, or genre, are allowed. Everything will be accepted, as long as it contains the prompt in some form.
3.] All drabbles/art must be posted on Tuesday, May 8 by 9 PM Eastern/Standard Time. This allows you three days to complete your drabble or art.

To sign up just comment on this post. Sign-ups will end Saturday at 10 AM Eastern/Standard Time. Names will be added to the list throughout the day.

REMEMBER: There is no limit on the amount of people who can sign up, and with each new prompt there will be a new sign up! You must sign up to be able to submit!

Enjoy, and get creative!



!modpost, pt 005:crown

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