Title: Before The Day Is Done
k_nightfoxRating: NC-17
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: They meant the fire to consume his king but Merlin wouldn’t allow that. They would not have him. If those devils were going to claim a victim, it wouldn’t be Arthur, it would be Merlin.
Warnings: dub con
Word Count: >2k :D (Hey, it’s a present!)
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This was wonderful. It made me want to kick all those sorcerers in the balls for hurting my bb, Merlin. How sweet and sad that Merlin was going to sacrifice himself (and how difficult it was to control his impulses, but he DID because he loves Arthur!).
I loved how we find out after that Arthur and Gaius had been talking about this cure basically in front of Merlin, but he was so out of it because of the curse, he didn't hear any of it.
And I loved the angsty bits how each of them loved and wanted the other and were SO oblivious to each other's unrequited feelings! That sounds like boys for you...
Yowsa, the sex was hot (yes, pun, but I don't care). I especially liked how, when it was at its worst for Merlin, you talked about all his senses in the wrong place. That was such a cool way to describe the disorientation created by the spell!
And awwww, my boys being all sweet to each other. And a pending magic reveal FTW! \o/
Love this, bb. Thanks for working so hard on this story for me! *hugs*
I only wish I'd had another 3000 words to play with ;-)
*hugs you hard*
(I had a lot of fun mixing up poor Merlin's senses there! I needed a little chart to figure out what went where!)
Kat, I loved this story. The sex was hot, but the plot was great and I really loved all the emotional stuff that Merlin was experiencing. Well done:)
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