Prompt # 35 Sign Up!

Nov 30, 2012 10:00

Sign-Ups for prompt #35 are now closed!!!

Good Morning Drabblers! We have something very special planned for you this week! We're having an Amnesty Post, which means any of our previous prompts can be used for your drawble/drabble!

1. Skin
2. Picture Prompt: "Superboy" (NSFW)
3. Scars
4. Surrender
5. Crown
6. Whispers in the Night
7. Family
8. Burn
9. Tears
10. Tangled
11. Temptation
12. Tease
13. Time
14. Reflections
15. Confessions
16. Picture Prompt: "Bleeding Heart"
17. Traditions
18. Gold
19. Eavesdropping
20. Kissing
21. Promise
22. Quote: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
23. Red
24. Song Prompt: "Come Wake Me Up" by Rascal Flatts
25. "Facebook"
26. Assumption
27. Tattoos
28. Jealousy
29. Misunderstandings
30. Ghosts
31. Heartbeats
32. Laugh
33. Choices
34. Devotion

The Rules:
1.] All drabbles/drawbles must follow the prompt.
2.] All pairings, rating, or genre, are allowed. Everything will be accepted, as long as it contains the prompt in some form.
3.] All drabbles/drawbles must be posted on Tuesday, December 4th by 8 PM Eastern/Standard Time. This allows you four days to complete your drabble or drawble.
4.] Special Amnesty Post Rule: When putting in what prompt you're using, label it as "Amnesty Post (Prompt[s] used)" Yes, you may use more than one prompt for inspiration!

To sign up just comment on this post. Sign-ups will end tomorrow Saturday December 1st at 10 AM Eastern/Standard Time. Names will be added to the list throughout the day.

REMEMBER: You must sign up to be able to submit! There's also no limit to how many drabbles/drawables you can post.

Enjoy, and get creative!

1.] rocknvaughn
2.] witchyemerald
3.] magnolia822
4.] bohemia86
5.] karuvapatta
6.] sidhe_faerie
7.] thecheekydragon
8.] luxorien
9.] k_nightfox
10.] loopstagirl
11.] inspired_being
12.] weepingwillow9
13.] jelazakazone
14.] fuckyeah
15.] judin
16.] bunnysworld
17.] millionstar
18.] archaeologist_d

!modpost, pt 035:amnesty post

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