Coming Home (Parts 7 & 8)

Jul 30, 2024 21:06

Author: sidhe_faerie
Title: Coming Home (Part 7 & 8)
Rating: PG
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin, Morgana
Summary: Arthur and Merlin have a talk. Morgana and Arthur come to an understanding.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 216, 400
Prompt: 610. Reckless, 611. Hurdle
Author's Notes:

Part 7

Merlin came back into the room just as Arthur was pouring his second drink. He sat down and waited for Arthur to acknowledge him.

Arthur took a sip and looked over the edge of his glass. “Is she settled?”

“Yes.” Merlin nodded. “The flight and the emotional stress got to her. She went out like a light.”

“I assumed as much.” Arthur looked at the fire. “Merlin, just because my father is dead you shouldn't just use your magick so freely. It's reckless. What if someone who didn't know you saw you doing…. whatever?”

“I know how to be discreet. I've been doing it all my life.” Merlin leaned forward. “Is she going to be allowed to stay after the funeral?”

“She has a home in Cornwall that she can go to.” Arthur told him.

“With what money? I get the feeling she's been barely making ends meet.” Merlin stood up and walked to the fireplace. He put out the fire with a wave of his hand. “If you send her down there with no money to live on, you're forcing her to sell up and leave.”

“So what you're saying is don't be like my father.” Arthur banged his glass on the table. “Merlin, you're a pain in the ass.”

Merlin grinned. “Yeah I know.”

Part 8

Morgana woke up to a dark room. She sat up and reached for the lamp on the bedside table. She flipped the switch and found herself in her old room at Uther’s house.

There was a glass of water and a covered plate on her dressing table.

She smiled. “Merlin.”

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Morgana got out of bed and walked to the dressing table.

“Hi. I just thought I should check you.” Merlin watched as she peeked under the plate. “I can get you something else, if you prefer.”

“No, it's fine.” Morgana lifted the cover and popped a grape into her mouth.

“Arthur wants to see you, if you're up to it.” Merlin told her.

Morgana nodded. “I suppose he wants to know my plans. I suppose he’ll make me go over hurdles to get my inheritance.”

“I don't think that's what he wants.” Merlin told her. “He has things he needs to discuss with you. He's in the study.”

Morgana covered the plate up and headed to the door. “We may need some tea. No more brandy. It gave me a headache.”

Merlin stood aside and let her pass. He followed her to the study.

Morgana walked in and found Arthur in the same chair she left him in.

“I'll get some tea.” Merlin disappeared from the doorway.

Arthur frowned at the empty doorway then turned to Morgana. “Feeling better?”

“Yes.” Morgana sat down. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Your trust fund.” Arthur sighed. “As the head of the family, I can give you access to it. It will give you something to live on in Cornwall.”

“I thought Uther closed it.” Morgana looked confused.

“He froze it.” Arthur put his glass on the table. “As long as you stay in Cornwall, you can have access to it.”

“I see. So you’re not sending me back but you don't want me here.” Morgana looked at her hands in her lap.

“No Morgana. I'm trying to give you a way to stay in your mother’s home. If that's what you want.”

“You don't want me to go back to New Zealand?” Morgana asked.

“No, I don't. Do you want to go back there?” Arthur asked.

“I want to go to Cornwall.” Morgana told him.

Arthur nodded and picked up his glass. “Then I'll unfreeze the trust account as soon as possible.”

pt 611:hurdle, pt 610:reckless, type:drabble, rating:pg, type:drawble, *c:sidhe_faerie

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