Coming Home (Parts 1, 2 and 3)

Jun 25, 2024 14:01

Author: sidhe_faerie
Title: Coming home (Parts 1,2 and 3)
Rating: PG
Character/s: Morgana, Merlin
Summary: Uther is dying and Morgana travels back to see him.
Warnings: pending death
Word Count: 127, 178, 244
Prompt: 604. Coach, 605. Stylish, 606. Born this way.
Author's Notes: I owe fic….

Part 1

Morgana took her seat on the plane. Arthur had sent her a ticket to come home. A coach ticket, of course. She opened the shade and looked out the window.

She was going home. Home. A place she never thought that she would ever see again. It would have been okay if it had been her idea but she was being summoned back

Arthur had tracked her down in New Zealand because Uther was dying and wanted to see her one last time.

The seat belt sign came on just as Morgana let out a sigh. It was crowded in coach and she had a long flight ahead of her. She pulled a magazine out of her tote and resigned herself to hours of boredom.

Part 2

Morgana's mind started to wander after a few hours. She thought of how her life had changed since Uther had thrown her out. She had been privileged with stylish clothes and enough money to never have to work at anything. It seemed like a far away dream now.

These days, she worked at a job she hated for a small salary that barely covered her expenses. She wore cheap clothes and did her own nails now. If her life before was a dream, her life now was a nightmare. A nightmare she couldn't seem to wake up from.

Morgana had made the decision to leave the country. Uther was a powerful man and he knew very powerful people. She would have never had a chance if she had stayed. Uther’s reach was far and wide in Britain. Europe would have been just as impossible. So off to New Zealand it was.

The reason Uther had thrown her out wasn't even her fault. Uther didn't care. He was ashamed of her and she had to leave.

So she did.

Part 3

Morgana collected her bags and made her way toward the taxi stand. She had brought everything she owned in the world as she had no intention of going back after Uther's death.

As she approached the taxi stand, she noticed a lanky man holding up a card with “Pendragon” written on it.

Morgana walked up to him and put down her bags. “I don't use that name anymore. I suppose my brother, Arthur, sent you.”

“Yes.” He smiled. “I’m Merlin Emyrs. I'm your brother's personal assistant.”

“Well, that must be trying for you.” Morgana snarked.

Merlin laughed. “Very trying.”

Morgana was surprised at his manner. “You should probably put the bags in the boot. From what Arthur said in his email, my father doesn't have much time.”

Merlin nodded and picked up her bags. “So is it true? Are you a seer?”

Morgana took a breath. “I….”

Merlin smiled. “You don't have to hide from me. I understand that you were born that way. Just like me. I'm a sorcerer.”

Morgana gasped. “Does my brother know? About you, I mean?”

“Yeah but your father doesn't.” Merlin lifted her bags into the boot. “Arthur thought it was a good idea to keep it quiet.”

Morgana nodded and got into the car. “I agree. Merlin, I think we will get along famously.”

Merlin grinned as he got behind the wheel. “So what name do you go by now?”

Morgana looked at him and smiled. “Morgana Lafay”

pt 604:coach, pt 605:stylish, pt 606:born this way, c:morgana, rating:pg, *c:sidhe_faerie

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