All Together

Jun 11, 2024 15:08

Author: ajsrandom
Title: All Together
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Gwen, the knights
Summary: Finally everyone is gathered together to strategize.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 406
Prompt: 604, Coach
Author's Notes: Finally continuing the story I left off a few weeks ago. :)

Gwaine was at the door, with Leon and Lance behind him. Pretty soon Percy arrived too. Once Merlin had gotten the new arrivals their drink of choice, he gave them a few minutes to socialize.

As he looked around the room at them, he was filled with a profound sense of . . . something. It couldn’t be perfection, not until they found Arthur. It must be camaraderie. He hadn’t seen this group of people together for over a thousand years, and yet, it felt right to be together.

“Hey Merlin,” Gwaine said, pulling him out of his reverie. “You have more information for us?”

“Yeah, speak up, coach,” said Elyan.

Merlin smiled at this. “I’m not any kind of coach or leader, but I’ll do my best.”

“You are stronger than you think you are,” said Gwen, smiling up at him.

“Thanks, Gwen. Well, you all know the basic story by now. We’ve been reincarnated to find Arthur and help him fight a big evil that’s coming soon. You’ve all met Kilgharrah, the dragon-cat.” He nodded at Kilgharrah, who was sitting in Percy’s lap. “I think it would be wise to clear up any misunderstandings between us or ask about events that might have been missed. From the old days.”

They talked, sometimes as a group and sometime in pairs, to clear the air and gather information. Lance and Elyan learned what had happened after they’d died. Lance and Merlin explained to Gwen about the cursed bracelet. Leon, Gwen, and Percy explained what had happened during the rest of her reign. At the end, everyone sighed in relief.

“Thank you, Merlin, for letting us do that,” Leon said.

“You’re perfectly welcome. All of you. And now I owe all of you an apology, for not telling any of you about my magic. I wanted to, many times, but . . .”

Gwaine held up a hand. “Merlin, it’s okay. We understand. There was sort of this law making it’s practice illegal or something. We get it.”

Merlin looked in every face. They were smiling, nodding, or both. “You don’t know how much I appreciate that. Truly. But now we need to get to the business part of this meeting, which is to strategize how to look for Arthur. I’m glad I don’t have to do this alone-you don’t know what it means to have all of you here to help me. Now, let’s begin.”

c:merlin, pt 604:coach, rating:g, c:gwen, type:drabble, *c:ajsrandom

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