
May 21, 2024 23:44

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Conjecture
Rating: PG
Pairing: Hinting at Arthur/Gwen/Merlin?
Characters: Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, OCs
Summary: The Rising Sun patrons speculate about possible reasons why no new Pendragon heir has been born.
Word Count: 400
Prompt: Impotent


After enough pints of ale had been downed, talk among the patrons of the Rising Sun Tavern turned to speculation about the royals, as it so often did.

"Why is it that the queen hasn't conceived yet? They've been married for more than three years!"

"King Arthur's been gone from Camelot a lot of the time, what with all the battles against his witch sister and all."

"Sure, but it only takes one or a few nights to-"

"Maybe the queen's infertile? She's not that young anymore. Or maybe she's just like Queen Ygraine."

"Ygraine? She gave birth to a healthy baby boy in the end."

"Sure, and look what happened next!"

"Maybe there's a curse on the queens of Camelot. The High Priestesses are enemies of the Pendragons, they may have cast evil spells to harm the royal lineage."

"Ack, come off it. Always the women's fault, is it? Maybe it's the king, did you ever think about that? Maybe he's impotent. He never was one for chasing after the ladies in his younger years."

"I guess you tavern wenches would know about that."

"I know what I know."

"Perhaps he prefers to bed men? With so many strong and handsome knights around-"

"And Merlin!"

"-and Merlin too, yes, I wouldn't be all that surprised."

"Still, that wouldn't stop him from doing his duty and siring an heir. And I don't think Queen Gwen would accept him carrying on like that. She's got a backbone and a will of steel, that one."

"So you really think he's unable to get it up, then?"

"Eh, seems very unlikely. If that were a problem, surely old Gaius would brew up a strong and stiffening potion or two."

"There are some conditions that potions can't improve."

"Ah, no, come on. There has to be another reason. He's in his prime. He looks hale and healthy and virile enough. I don't for a moment believe he can't perform in bed.


If Gwen or Merlin had been listening to all this, the both of them would have been able to confirm that the last speaker was entirely correct in his belief. Arthur could indeed perform so well that neither of them had ever had any reason for complaints. But luckily, neither they nor Arthur overheard the drunk and overly invasive tavern musings. They were all three of them much more pleasantly occupied that evening.

*c:gilli_ann, pt 601:impotent, c:merlin, c:gwen, type:drabble, rating:pg, c:arthur

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