
Apr 09, 2024 18:38

Author: ajsrandom
Title: Gwaine
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Gwaine
Summary: Merlin finds Gwaine and is surprised at his reaction.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 776
Prompt: 595, Fierce
Author's Notes: Back to my work in progress!:)

As evening approached, Merlin ate dinner and got ready to go find Gwaine. He checked the magic mirror to make sure Gwaine was at the theater then got in his car and left.

As he pulled up to the building and parked, he saw a door open and shut, and a man stormed away from the building. It looked like Gwaine.

Merlin quickly got out of the car and approached the man, who was pacing in front of the building. To his joy, it was Gwaine. As he walked up to him, Gwaine glanced up and said, “So, my replacement is here already.”

“Pardon?” Merlin replied.

“Aren’t you my replacement?”


Gwaine scrunched up his face. “Do I know you from somewhere?”

Merlin grinned. “We know each other from long ago.”

“When? Where?” Gwaine’s stomach growled.

“How about we discuss that over dinner? I’m buying.”

“Can I trust you?”

“Of course. After all, we were friends a long time ago.”

“All right. You’ll have to drive because I can’t afford a car.”

Merlin walked back to his car with Gwaine in tow. “Are you an actor?”

“As of today, I’m an out-of-work actor. I just got fired. Hey, you’re not a director or anything, are you?”

“Sorry. But maybe we can help each other out.”

They kept chatting about Gwaine and his status until they reached Merlin’s favorite diner. “This is a great place. They make the best milkshakes.”

Gwaine’s face lit up. “I do love a good milkshake.”

Soon they were seated and had ordered their food. Merlin just got a milkshake, but Gwaine ordered a full meal. That was fine by Merlin; he wouldn’t perform the spell until after Gwaine ate. That way it would look like Gwaine passed out from a full meal. Hopefully.

“So, how do I know you?” Gwaine asked after he had started eating.

“We actually met at a pub back in Camelot.”

“We did Camelot together?”

Oh dear. “No, I mean we met at a pub in Camelot.”

“Is that a tiny town I don’t remember?”

Merlin sighed. “No, actually we’re people reincarnated from about fifteen hundred years ago.”

Gwaine’s eyes widened. “Far out! You believe in reincarnation too?”


“Tell me more.”

So Merlin explained Gwaine’s story as he knew it, back from their days in Camelot together. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you from Morgana. I should have known you’d go after her.”

Gwaine took his last bite of food and stared at Merlin. Once he swallowed, he said, “I’m sure you did the best you could.”

“It doesn’t feel that way but thank you. Listen, there is a whole group of us, and we’d like you to join us.”

“What would I have to do?”

Merlin leaned closer. “I have to touch you and incant a spell so you remember everything from your previous life. You’ll pass out for a few minutes, but when you wake up, you’ll remember. Are you game?”

“Hell yes! I want to remember my previous life. It sounds so cool. What do I need to do?”

Merlin was shocked at Gwaine’s response to everything, but he collected himself and stood. “Slide over on the bench. I need to be touching you.”

“Not in a creepy way, right?”

“No, just your hand is fine.”


Gwaine slid over and Merlin sat next to him. “Just relax; that’ll make it easier.” Gwaine nodded and Merlin slid his hand over Gwaine’s and quietly incanted the spell. He watched as Gwaine’s eyes rolled back into his head and his whole body relaxed. After a few minutes, someone passed by and stared at Gwaine. “He’s had a long day,” Merlin said. The person nodded in understanding and continued walking. After about fifteen minutes, Gwaine woke up.

“Wow, Merlin, you were totally right! I remember everything!” He frowned for a moment. “Poor Percival-he found me after Morgana had tortured me.”

“Morgana tortured you?! Oh Gwaine, I’m so sorry. You were always such a fierce defender of justice. And Percival! How could I forget about him?”

“Don’t be sorry. I went after her willingly. You can’t be everywhere at once, mate. How cool is it that you have magic?”

“I was sure you somehow knew about the magic and just kept quiet.”

Gwaine grinned. “Nope. I had no idea.” He thought for a moment. “You mentioned others? Who else have you found?”

“Gwen, Lancelot, Leon, and Elyan. But how did I forget about Percival?”

“I don’t blame you. He was always so quiet.”

“That’s no excuse. We need to find him. Want to come home with me and see how I found everyone?”

“Hell yes! Let’s go!”

pt 595:fierce, c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, c:gwaine, *c:ajsrandom

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