Darkness (Part 2)

Feb 12, 2024 14:20

Author: sidhe_faerie
Title: Darkness (Part 2)
Rating: PG
Pairing/s: Arthur/Gwen
Character/s: Merlin, Gaius, Leon
Summary: Merlin and Gaius talk as Arthur and Gwen discuss their future.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 500
Prompt: 588. Luís Vaz de Camões: Love is a fire that burns unseen.
Author's Notes:

Darkness (Part 2)

Arthur was following the knights into the council chambers but stopped when he saw a flutter of blue out of the corner of his eye. “Guinevere?”

“Arthur….” Gwen came from behind the pillar. “I don't mean to bother you but…”

“Come.” Arthur held out his hand to her. “Worry not. You know that I will protect you with my very last breath.”

“I'm not sure what there is to protect me from. It's just that I feel uneasy.” She took his hand.

Arthur nodded. “I feel uneasy as well.”

Merlin appeared in the doorway. “Arthur?”

“We are coming.” Arthur pulled Gwen to his side and led her into the council chambers.

Gaius glanced at Merlin before addressing Arthur. “Sire, the eclipse is a sign. According to the old religion, an eclipse precedes a time of great change.”

“Great change?” Arthur shook his head. “This kingdom has been through great change already.”

Gaius noticed Merlin fidgeting. He knew Merlin wanted to tell him something but it would have to wait. “I can only tell you what I know. I can not see the future.”

“Of course, Gaius.” Arthur nodded, then looked at Leon. “I think we should double the guard and patrols just to be safe.”

Leon bowed his head. “I'll see to it, Sire.” He left the room and the other knights followed him out.

“I must prepare medicines and make them ready.” Gaius looked at Merlin. “Help me Merlin.”

Merlin nodded and followed Gaius out.

When they got back to their rooms, Merlin handed Gaius the scroll from the druid.

“We may have a problem.” Merlin rubbed his chin.

Gaius read the scroll. “We have more than a problem. We have the potential for a disaster. Where did you get this?”

“A druid at the edge of the woods.” Merlin tapped on the table. “I believe it's true.”

“As do I.” Gaius sat down.

In the council chambers, Arthur and Gwen were alone.

“Guinevere, I want to speak to you about something.” Arthur led to a chair and helped her to sit.

Gwen looked up at him. “I know what you want to say. I love you Arthur but the time for us is not right for us to …”

Arthur shook his head. He went down on one knee. “We have waited so long already. I told you that when I became King, things would be different. We wouldn't have to wait any longer.”

“When you said that we were naive. You know as well as I that you need to establish yourself as King of Camelot. Once the people are confident in you, then we can be together.”

Arthur stood. “Gaius said the eclipse means a time of change. What better time to marry than now.”

Gwen shook her head and stood. “I don't think that's what he meant.”

Merlin appeared in the doorway. “Sire!”

“Not now, Merlin.” Arthur glared at him.

Merlin ignored the look. “Arthur, the northern patrol has returned and they have brought news.”

c:merlin, c:gaius, rating:pg, p:arthur/gwen, type:drabble, pt 588:camoes quote, c:leon, *c:sidhe_faerie

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