One Prison is much like another - part 11

Jan 23, 2024 16:54

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: One Prison is much like another - part 11
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur
Summary: At least he got his memory back.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 883
Camelot Drabble Prompt #585: Deprive
Disclaimer: I do not own the BBC version of Merlin; They and Shine do. I am very respectfully borrowing them with no intent to profit. No money has changed hands. No copyright infringement is intended.
Gaius’s books were a wonder, answered a lot of dragon questions although where Merlin would keep the babies was another issue. At least, he knew now that he could just give them a bit of meat and milk combined once they hatched. He would have to find nesting material but luckily, he could put them in Kilgharrah’s old cave for a little while at least.

In fact, he was so deep into reading that he didn’t hear Arthur bellowing his name until it was too late.

The hand pulling the book out of his grasp was a clue, though, and Arthur scowling down at him didn’t help any. “Didn’t you hear me calling you, you idiot? Or are you still muddle-brained? You know you shouldn’t be out and about without letting someone know. You get into trouble just by breathing these days.”

“I… umm, I needed some fresh air, you arse. No need for a nursemaid although you could use one what with that fat head of yours,” Merlin mumbled, reaching for the book. “You’re dripping mud all over Gaius’s clean floor.”

Lifting the book over his head, Arthur waggled it a bit to taunt Merlin before placing it on the bench, away from Merlin’s grasp.
Then before Merlin could protest, Arthur cleared a bit of muck off his chainmail, leaned over and dragged two very unclean fingers across Merlin’s shirt.

When Merlin squawked about it, Arthur just grinned. Turning back to the book, looking through a few pages, Arthur said, “You reading up on dragons? Waste of time, if you ask me. You’d be better off learning how to clean my armour properly.”

“If you didn’t keep rolling in the mud every time Leon bested you, they wouldn’t need cleaning,” Merlin said, staring pointedly down at the streaks of mud on his clothes. “And reading is never a waste of time, unless it’s you droning on and on about how great you are at jousting and thinking they should write volumes about your prowess.”

“My prowess is unmatched, you buffoon.” Arthur sputtered, glaring at Merlin. “Besides, the dragons are extinct so reading about them is pretty useless. Like you most days.”

His eyes narrowed, Merlin said, “Just because you killed one, doesn’t mean I can’t read about them.”

“It was in defence of Camelot as you well know,” Arthur started to say, then his face cleared and he gave Merlin a grin and a heavy-handed whack on Merlin’s arm. “You remember? Your memory came back?” He seemed very pleased about it.

“Yes, no thanks to you. And ow, stop poking me,” Merlin grumbled, rubbing at his arm.

“Never,” Arthur said, his grin widening. “What happened? Did Gaius find a cure? How long has it been? Why didn’t you notify me at once?”

Shit. He couldn’t tell Arthur the truth. He’d be out after Kilgharrah in an instant, never mind the whole magic issue.

Thinking fast, Merlin muttered, “It just happened… umm… while I was out. I… umm… tripped over a root and bumped my head and it came back. Hurrah?” He shrugged then, hating to lie to Arthur but it seemed to be all he did these days. When Arthur just looked at him as if he were an idiot, Merlin said, “I didn’t tell you because Gaius wasn’t sure it was permanent and besides, if you knew, you’d double my chores to make up for time lost.”

Arthur relaxed at that, leaning against the bench and gazing down at Merlin. “True, your chores have been piling up. I would hate to deprive you of the honour of completing them.”

“Honour, my arse.” Merlin scowled at him. “I do still have broken ribs, you know. Can’t be bringing your meals yet. The tray weighs a ton with all those herb-encrusted capons. Maybe if you stopped eating so much?”

“What? I deserve it, what with having to put up with you.” Arthur gave him another grin, then gently pulled Merlin into a half-hug. “It’s good to have you back, much as I have to put up with your antics.”

“Poor you, to be waited on hand and foot by your poor beleaguered manservant.” Merlin grinned, too. He’d missed Arthur.
Even when he didn’t remember, he could still feel something missing. “It’s good to be back.”

“Come by, later, and have George bring two suppers and I’ll catch you up on the latest gossip.” With that, Arthur ruffled Merlin’s hair, then started for the door, shaking his head as he did. “Reading? Merlin reading? Will wonders never cease?”

“Arse,” Merlin shouted after him. As the door slammed, he wasn’t sure Arthur had heard him but it felt good to remember Arthur and how much he cared about Merlin after all.

If only Arthur could be happy about baby dragons, Merlin might breathe again. Until then, he’d have to be careful. He wasn’t sure how Arthur would react to learning Merlin was a dragonlord.

Best keep quiet about it and hope Arthur never finds out.

*c:archaeologist_d, c:merlin, pt 585:deprive, type:drabble, rating:pg-13, c:arthur

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