Unburying, for Brynnasaar

Dec 25, 2023 16:02

Title: Unburying
Recipient: brynnasaar (on Discord)
Author: ajsrandom
Rating: G
Pairing/s: pre-Merlin/Arthur
Summary: When a visiting Lord hits on Arthur, and they all get snowed in, Merlin takes matters into his own hands.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2506
Author's Notes: I don't usually write slash, so I hope this turned out all right! Many thanks to BJ, my beta.
Disclaimer:Merlin is owned by the BBC and Shine. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made. Don't send us to the dungeons.
King Arthur Pendragon stood at the front of the great hall and announced to the assembled nobles and servants: “Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Lord Dewbury, who comes to use from the south.”

The guards opened the hall’s doors, and in walked Lord Dewbury and his retinue. They marched to the front of the hall, where Arthur formally welcomed him. Everyone clapped as they were presented, and soon Arthur and Dewbury led the way out of the hall. After everyone was dismissed, Merlin hurried to catch up with Arthur and Dewbury’s company.

Just as Merlin caught up, he heard Arthur say to Dewbury, “I am surprised you made it through. The roads are always terrible this time of year.”

“Indeed,” Dewbury said, “but they are not so in the south, and our animals are strong and hardy, as are our carriages. I trust that the weather will not be so bad.”

“I am sure we have gotten all the snow we are meant to get this year.”

Arthur and Dewbury continued talking until they reached the Lord’s rooms, but Merlin tuned them out. It was just polite noble chitchat anyway, the kind he’d heard many times before. He tuned them back in when Arthur said, “Merlin, help them with their baggage please.”

“Yes, sire.” Merlin said.

As he led the servants into the rooms, he heard Arthur mention the banquet that evening. Of course Dewbury’s visit would merit a banquet. He knew it would be great fun for the nobles, but standing behind Arthur all night with a jug of wine was boring.

After the servants had set things up to Dewbury’s liking, Merlin moved to stand behind Arthur. He was just saying goodbye to the Lord, and Dewbury said, “See you this evening,” and winked at Arthur. Merlin was floored. How could this man wink at Arthur?

When they’d gotten some distance from Dewbury’s rooms, Merlin said, “What was that?”

“What was what?” Arthur replied.

“Didn’t you see that?”

“See what?”

“Lord Dewbury winked at you.”

“Ridiculous. He wouldn’t do that.”

Merlin frowned. “But I saw him do it.”

“He probably had something in his eye then. Who knows?”

“But . . .”

“Drop it Merlin, or I will have you in the stocks.”


Merlin started to sulk. It was bad enough to have Arthur disbelieve him; he was used to that. But for him to ignore such behavior? Strange. Unless he didn’t mind it? That put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day.


Merlin’s mood didn’t improve at the banquet. He’d had a meager meal himself, so watching all the sumptuousness made his stomach growl. He had to watch Arthur and Dewbury converse and fill their goblets of wine now and then. Unpleasant at best.

He was almost lost in his boredom when he saw Dewbury reach out and squeeze Arthur’s upper arm and comment, “Wow, you must be very strong to have arms like that.”

“I train with my knights every day,” Arthur replied.

Merlin was stupefied. This was a plain act of flirtation and it had gone right over Arthur’s head. Again. He’d have loved to set Dewbury’s head on fire just then, but that would have gotten him executed. Instead, he stepped forward and made to fill Dewbury’s goblet again. But this time, he pretended to trip and spilled what remained in his pitcher all over the Lord’s doublet.

Arthur erupted. “Merlin, you clumsy clod! Get something to sop up this mess right away!”

“Yes, sire.” Merlin fled to the kitchens and came back with a damp cloth. He attempted to clean Lord Dewbury’s doublet, but gave up when the Lord stalked off to his rooms.

Thus ended the banquet. Arthur berated Merlin up and down, all the way back to his rooms. “What on earth made you decide to soil Lord Dewbury’s doublet like that?”

“I tripped.”

“Oh, you tripped. A likely story.”

“Arthur, he was-”

Arthur held up a hand. “I do not want to hear any more excuses. Come help me prepare for bed then return to your chambers. I do not want to see you again until morning.”

“Yes, sire.” He sure was saying that a lot lately.

So Merlin helped Arthur change for bed and returned to Gaius’s chambers. As he lay in bed, he thought about Lord Dewbury’s antics. Why was he so bothered by them? He couldn’t figure it out and fell asleep before noticing the heavy snow falling outside.


Everyone in Camelot’s citadel and lower town woke to find several feet of snow on the ground, and snow still falling. Many people could not leave their homes.

When Merlin woke, he was freezing. He opened his little window to see the world covered in white. They had all thought that they’d receive no more snow that season. Arthur was going to be surprised when he saw this.

Merlin dressed and hurried out to find porridge waiting for him, but no Gaius. That must mean Arthur had summoned him, which meant he was already awake and that he, Merlin, was late again. Merlin sighed, slurped down the porridge, and headed out to Arthur’s chambers.

Arthur looked up from where he was sitting at breakfast. “You’re late”, he tossed at Merlin. Gaius turned and glanced at Merlin before turning back to the king.

“Sire, the snow is several feet deep and still falling. At this rate, no one will be able to enter or leave Camelot for several weeks.”

“You told me earlier that we were done with snow for the season,” Arthur replied.

“I’m sorry, sire. I believed that to be true. But nature is unpredictable, especially in wintertime.”

Arthur sighed. “All right. I guess that means Dewbury’s visit will be an extended one. I’d better let him know.”

“Indeed, sire.”

“You are excused, Gaius. Merlin, go to Dewbury’s chambers and inform them I need to see him.”

“Right away.”

Merlin and Gaius left together. Merlin turned to Gaius and asked, “Are we really stuck here for several weeks?”

“Unless the outside temperature rises as quickly as it fell, which is unlikely, then yes, we are stuck here.”

“Great. Even more time with Lord Flirtation.”


Merlin frowned. “Lord Dewbury. He has been flirting with Arthur and Arthur is clueless enough not to notice.”

“That’s quite the accusation, Merlin. Are you sure about that?

“Oh, definitely.”

“Well, I wouldn’t mention it to Arthur. Remember what happens when you accuse nobles of wrongdoing.”

“I remember well.”

“Mind yourself. Now, I’ve got to get going and so do you. See you later.”

“Bye, Gaius.”

Gaius veered off to head back to his chambers while Merlin kept walking toward Dewbury’s chambers. Once there, he informed his manservant of Arthur’s request. Soon he was walking back to Arthur’s chambers with Dewbury and his manservant.

Once inside, Arthur rose and greeted Dewbury. He then opened the topic at hand. “Dewbury, it appears that we are snowed in for several weeks. No one can get in or out of Camelot. I am afraid that means you will be here with us until the roads are passable again.”

“I thought that might be the case when we opened the drapes this morning,” Dewbury replied. He angled closer to Arthur and put his hands on Arthur’s shoulders. “That just means I will have more time to get to know you and the charms of your citadel.” He winked again.

“Meanwhile, you are free to join myself and my knights as we train indoors today,” Arthur said.

Merlin stood there in shock. Dewbury had winked again and Arthur had ignored it, or just not seen it. How was he going to endure weeks of this horrible man and not say anything to Arthur?

“I would be pleased to do so,” Dewbury replied.

“Wonderful. I will dispatch Merlin again to convey you to our training area. See you later, Dewbury.”

“Later, my king.”

Dewbury and his manservant left. Merlin fumed silently, but that didn’t fool Arthur. “Something on your mind, Merlin?”

“I don’t like him.”

“Who? Dewbury?”


“Any particular reason why?”

Merlin thought for a moment. What should he say? “He seems too familiar with you.”

“Nonsense. We are old friends. True, I have not seen him in a while, but we are getting to know each other again. He is fine.”

Merlin still didn’t think so, but he gave the matter up for now. He would just have to figure out a way to prove he was flirting, or sabotage him. One way or another, he would get Dewbury removed from Camelot.


The next time Merlin showed up at Dewbury’s chambers, the Lord was dressed in mail with a sword at his side. He conveyed him and his manservant to the indoor training area, where Arthur was waiting with the knights.

“It looks like you came to participate,” Arthur told Dewbury, who nodded.

“I came ready to play,” said Dewbury, winking.

“Well, we shall certainly do that,” said Arthur. “Why don’t you spar with me first, old friend?”


Merlin was irritated. He’d find some way to trip up Dewbury, maybe literally. It would be so easy during a fight. Once he went sprawling down face first, Arthur would have to see him for what he was.

Dewbury walked into the ring where Arthur was waiting. They began sparring, lightly at first, but more strenuously as time went on. At one point Arthur nearly felled him, but he jumped back and rocked on his heels. It was the perfect moment for Merlin to act. He closed his eyes and whispered the short spell.

He opened his eyes in time to see Dewbury pitching forward, but Arthur ran to catch him. He landed in Arthur’s arms and looked up to him. “Thank you, Your Majesty. You have the strongest arms and quickest legs of any man I know.”

Merlin frowned. His plan had gone awry, and Dewbury was flirting again. He even batted his eyes, but it was apparent that Arthur missed that. Merlin sighed as Arthur set Dewbury back on his feet and clapped him on the shoulder, murmuring thanks. He would just have to think of more ways to sabotage the obnoxious Lord Dewbury.

The sparring continued, but Dewbury merely watched all the matches. There were days Merlin wished he could read someone’s thoughts, and today was such a one. He would love to see where Dewbury was headed with his flirtations. Was he genuinely interested in Arthur or did he just want his wealth and prestige? And why in the world did Merlin care so much? These were thoughts he didn’t have an answer for but mulled over anyway.


Over the next few days, Merlin made several attempts to show how flirtatious Lord Dewbury was being, but in each attempt, he failed miserably. There was the time he made Dewbury’s chair suddenly move backwards so that he would fall face-forward into his soup, but Arthur managed to catch him. That left some of the knights and Gwen giggling, but no comment from Arthur on Dewbury’s comment on his quick reflexes.

The next time Dewbury made a comment was when Merlin had “accidentally” spilled water on the floor for him to slip on. But Arthur caught him again before he could land on his bottom. This time, Dewbury was even more obvious, saying, “how perfectly formed your lips are!” when their faces came close to each other.

By this time, Merlin was furious. When was Arthur going to see what this man was doing?

The next day found Merlin and other servants attempting to clear the courtyard of snow with brooms. They had little luck and just ended up packing it down with their boots until it could be walked upon by the stir-crazy nobles holed up in the citadel. So even though it was freezing, Arthur and the knights, with Dewbury in tow, worked out outside.

This time when Merlin tripped Dewbury, he did end up in the snow. Merlin smiled for a moment, but frowned when Arthur asked him to bring one of the blankets he was holding. Arthur helped Dewbury up and wrapped the blanket around the defeated Lord. “How warm your embrace is,” said Dewbury, turning to look at Arthur.

Merlin had had enough. Tonight he’d confront Arthur about Dewbury and somehow he’d force the king to see how odious the man was. If he was put in the stocks or fired, so be it. He just couldn’t stand to see him flirting with Arthur anymore.


That night, as he helped Arthur get ready for bed, Merlin brought up the subject of Lord Dewbury. “Arthur, I need to tell you something about Lord Dewbury.”

“What is it, Merlin?” He sat on the bed.

“Can I be frank?”

“When have you not been? Go ahead.”

“Arthur, Lord Dewbury has been flirting with you for the past couple of weeks.”

“Flirting with me? How so?”

“Just today he commented on how warm he was in your arms. Yesterday he said something about your lips being perfectly formed. I don’t see how you could have missed these improper advances!”

Arthur frowned. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes! Arthur, it appears as if he wants you for himself, and I think it’s for your money and power rather than because he really cares about you.”

“I see. And you bring this up why?”

“Because I care about you!”

“Oh, so you are jealous?”

“Jealous?” Merlin sputtered. “I wouldn’t say I’m jealous. More like concerned for your wellbeing . . .”

“Merlin, please. I know he has been flirting with me. I noticed a couple of days ago. And yes, it is improper, and as soon it warms outside, which Gaius assures me will happen in the next couple of days, Lord Dewbury will be sent packing. He must learn his place.”

“Then why did you let me go on for so long?”

“I wanted to see how you felt, and you finally admitted it.”

“But Arthur . . . “

Arthur stood and opened his arms wide. “Come here, you jealous fool.”

Merlin walked over and stood in Arthur’s embrace. Arthur wrapped his arms around him and held him close. “There is only one person I want to be close with, and it’s not Lord Dewbury.”

“I don’t know what to say, Arthur.”

“Just say you’ll always be by my side.”

“I will. Always and forever.”

“That pleases me more than you know.” Arthur backed up but didn’t let go of Merlin. “Now, go to bed yourself. And may you have sweet dreams.”

“Thank you.”

“Goodnight, Merlin.”

“Goodnight, Arthur.”

That night, as Merlin lay in bed, he smiled to himself. The evening had gone even better than he had planned. Arthur had seen through Dewbury’s flirtations, and had asked him, Merlin, to be by his side. It was something he’d hoped for but never expected. He fell asleep, secure in the knowledge of his place in the world.

c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, !holiday exchange fest 2023, *c:ajsrandom, c:arthur

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