When Opinions Differ

Sep 26, 2023 16:46

Author: ajsrandom
Title: When Opinions Differ
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Kilgharrah
Summary: Merlin wants to save Morgana's life. Kilgharrah disagrees.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 187
Prompt: 570, Pursue
Author's Notes: Wrote it with a migraine, woo hoo! :)

“Merlin, if you pursue this course of action you will live to regret it,” Kigharrah snarled.

“I don’t see how I will regret saving someone,” Merlin replied.

“But it is the witch! If she lives, she will make the lives of everyone in Camelot miserable.”

“I think we should leave that choice to her, don’t you? I still sense good in her.”

“Hmph. I sense no such thing. But do not come crying to me when she ruins the lives of everyone you love.”

Merlin rolled his eyes. Kilgharrah was always so dramatic. “Noted. I won’t.”

“I have nothing further to say to you. Goodbye.” And with that, the dragon took off and was quickly out of Merlin’s sight.

“Old fool.” Merlin made his way back into the citadel. He hadn’t expected Kilgharrah to agree with him, but his dismissal stung. Letting the woman he loved die made no sense. When she was through her sickness, he was going to share his secret with her. They could train together and he could keep her from turning to evil. It was only fair to give her the chance.

pt 570:pursue, c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, *c:ajsrandom, c:kilgharrah

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