Devil in Disguise

Sep 16, 2023 16:59

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Devil in Disguise
Rating: PG
Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Gaius
Summary: Merlin is distraught when a healer is condemned for sorcery.
Word Count: 360
Prompt: 'Innocent'
A/N: Canon ficlet.

Devil in Disguise

"I'm innocent!" the young woman screamed, once the verdict had been pronounced and Uther's guards moved to drag her to the dungeons. "I'm not a witch, I meant no harm!"

Merlin glanced at Arthur.

The prince was stonefaced. "What, Merlin?" he grumbled, annoyed.

"I don't think she practiced sorcery, but even if she did, I'm sure it wasn't with evil intentions, Arthur. She only wanted to help people, her magic potions were fever-stilling, she said. They relieved coughs."

"People died."

"They were ill. Maybe they would have survived if she could have practiced her healing freely."

"Such talk is bordering on treason, Merlin. Say no more."

"But she only wanted to do good!"

With a withering glare at his manservant, Arthur turned on his heel and left the courtyard.


In the evening, a dejected Merlin returned to Gaius' rooms. "Uther wasted no time. They've already executed the sorceress. She was a healer who tried to save lives, and now she's dead!"

Gaius shook his head. " Well, about that..."


"I have tested the potion that she was about to administer to the brewer's family, Merlin. It mainly contains hemlock and aconite."

Merlin felt pole-axed. "She... she actually intended to kill people?"

"That is my conclusion, yes. She used her healer status and the contagious fever sickness as a cover. With a touch of potent black magic, the tiniest taste of her potions would be lethal to anyone."

Merlin nearly fell down on the bench, his mind reeling. "She killed sick children. And I was so sure she was using sorcery for good!"

Gaius sat down beside Merlin, patting his knee. "Your desire to help those who practice sorcery makes you forget that magic is just a tool. It can be used by the profoundly evil as well as the good."

"Yes, but-"

"You and Uther come to this from completely different directions, Merlin. He sees only the evil, you see only good. But never forget that whatever their abilities are, whatever position they have in life, and no matter the nature of their magic, what the both of you ought to judge is each person's character."

pt 569:innocent, *c:gilli_ann, c:merlin, c:gaius, type:drabble, rating:pg, c:arthur

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