Pride and Joy

Aug 28, 2023 23:21

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Pride and Joy
Rating: G
Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Hunith
Pairing: Potential Arthur/Merlin
Summary: On a visit to Camelot, Hunith considers present and past.
Word Count: 150
Prompt: 'Disaster'
A/N: Canon AU

Pride and Joy

Hunith cheered as the king and his retinue of knights and guards rode past towards the castle. Resplendent in his crimson cloak, Arthur looked every inch the High King of Albion. He smiled and nodded at the jubilant crowd.

And there was Merlin, immediately behind the king. Hunith beamed with pride at the sight. Her gangly son had matured into a handsome man, strong and capable, dressed in a fine blue robe befitting the court sorcerer and closest royal counsellor. Merlin had managed the seemingly impossible - magic was no longer banned, and Arthur trusted him in all things.

Looking back across the years, Hunith was happy and grateful. Growing up, Merlin had always seemed to teeter on the brink of calamity. She'd worried endlessly. Yet here he was. Her disaster waiting to happen had unfolded into a blessing, not only to her, but to Arthur and their land and people.

pt 566:disaster, *c:gilli_ann, c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, c:hunith, c:arthur

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