Of Cats and Men

Aug 14, 2023 19:41

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Of Cats and Men
Rating: G
Characters: Gaius, Uther, Arthur, Merlin
Pairing: None
Summary: A spell goes awry. Gaius has to rake Merlin's coals out of the fire.
Word Count: 350
Prompt: 'Isolation'
A/N: Canon AU, featuring a trope the show really ought to have tried.

Of Cats and Men

"I am very sorry, Sire," Gaius said, bowing before Uther. "I can cure Prince Arthur, and there is no risk to his life. But he must remain in strict isolation for three days."

"What can have caused this sudden malady? It must be sorcery!"

"I will look into it, Sire, and let you know as soon as I know more."

"Surely Arthur should stay in his own rooms?"

"There's risk of contagion, Sire. It's safer that he stays with me." Gaius glanced at Merlin, who as always pretended foolish innocence. "His manservant will stay with Arthur at all times. The Prince will want for nothing."

"Very well," Uther said, gesturing dismissal. "Keep me informed of any developments."

"Certainly, Sire."

Leaving the council chamber with Merlin in tow, Gaius grumbled. "The two of you will be the death of me yet, Merlin."

"We'll try not to, Gaius."

"How could you be so reckless? I might have expected no less from you, but the prince-"

Merlin pouted, sounding contrite. "We were trying out a temporary body swap spell. It sounded fun. It was pure misfortune that the Chatelaine's cat got in the way."

"Perhaps three days of having a miaowing and hissing Arthur in your room will teach you to be more careful in future."

"I had to put a sleeping spell on him. He tried to scratch my face and was ready to jump out of the window."

"And what did you do with the cat, the real Arthur?"

"He just wants to cuddle. He stays curled up on my pillow, purring. It's really sweet."

"I expect it won't last."

"I know. Once he's back in his own body, he'll have me mucking out the stables for a year."

Gaius snorted. "Don't expect any pity from me, young man."

Merlin brightened. "Still, it may have been worth it. Now we know that the body swap works. I was thinking-"

Gaius shook his head in exasperation. "Not another word! I do not want to know."


"Go tend to your cats, Merlin. And keep them out of my sight."

c:merlin, rating:g, c:gaius, c:uther, *c:gilli_ann, type:drabble, pt 564:isolation, c:arthur

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