No one and nothing part 8c

May 21, 2023 20:58

Title: No one and Nothing part 8c
Rating: R
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Gaius, Leon, Iseldir, Tristan, Isolde, Uther
Summary: Merlin saves Arthur’s life in front of the whole court and has to run for his life. But when Arthur shows up, asking for help, what was Merlin to do, say no?
Warnings: none
Word Count: 487
Camelot Drabble Prompt: 552 Hostile
Author’s Notes: I will be on vacation starting tomorrow so we'll see if I can do any updates on this one or more drabbles before I get back. The other chapters are found at
Disclaimer: I do not own the BBC version of Merlin; They and Shine do. I am very respectfully borrowing them with no intent to profit. No money has changed hands. No copyright infringement is intended.
Why was it that Arthur’s birthday was always a shitshow?

It was almost as bad as the first time Merlin attended a feast in Camelot, the day Thomas Collins’ head had been chopped off. Old woman tried to kill Arthur, the supercilious prat, and Merlin shoved him out of the way of her blade and been rewarded with, not gold pieces or a new jacket, but having to manservant an absolute arse.

Good times.

This time, standing by the side of the Great Hall, helping the other maids clean up after the nobles, those slovenly pigs, he almost missed the fireworks.

Not even subtle, the sorcerer, tall, cloaked in black, his eyes flashing gold and red, sent a fireball directly at Arthur. No explanations, no calling for vengeance, no insistence that Uther had to be punished by losing his only son. No, none of that. Not even going after Uther because that would at least make sense. Instead, without warning, he attacked Arthur, the heir apparent, someone who might be a cabbagehead at times but didn’t deserve any of it.

Shitshow birthday once again.

Luckily, no one was looking in Merlin’s direction.

Purely on instinct, Merlin shoved the sorcerer back, enough to keep him from sending another fireball, then raced to reach Arthur in time to pull him out of the way. As Arthur stumbled back when Merlin tackled him, the fireball exploded, splintering the chair, melting the stone wall behind him, the pieces flying into the room, setting up little fires when the superheated rock hit wood and cloth and iron. Some cried out in pain. Merlin hadn’t been able to contain the mess, not when he was focused on saving Arthur.
Behind him, there was a scramble to pull the sorcerer down, a final cry.

And as Merlin stood up again, dusting off his kirtle, he could see that some of his mouth rouge had slimed across Arthur’s cheek.

Uther roared to the guards, demanding that the sorcerer be put in chains and taken to the dungeon, to be burned tomorrow for such an offence as using magic to harm the prince.

Then he turned to Merlin. “Your name, girl?” he said, sneering a little at the rouge on Arthur’s face.

Merlin didn’t know what to say. To have Uther’s fierce gaze on him gave Merlin chills. “I… sire, my name is Mary, your Majesty.”

A shiver down Merlin’s spine, almost déjà vu as the king scowled at him, before Uther said, “I would reward you with a position in the royal household but no, not after the last disaster of a sorcerer. Instead you will receive ten gold pieces and a fine woollen cloak for your troubles. You are dismissed for the night, May.”

Merlin wanted to slump down in relief. Uther didn’t recognise him at all, even calling him the wrong name. With a quick bow, Merlin hurried away.

That was too close.

*c:archaeologist_d, rating:r, c:merlin, type:drabble, c:uther, pt 552:hostile, c:arthur

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