Attack on Ealdor

Mar 12, 2023 13:18

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Attack on Ealdor
Rating: G
Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Hunith, Leon
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (future)
Summary: When hunting marauding bandits, Arthur returns to Ealdor.
Word Count: 670
Prompt: 'Confront'
Author's Notes: Canon AU, sequel to 'The Flying Fox'

Attack on Ealdor

"We should turn back!" Leon shouted, hardly making himself heard over the thundering of their horses' hooves. "Arthur, we've crossed the border, this is Essetir!"

"No! We are not letting the bandits escape, we've almost got them."

A group of mercenaries-turned-looters had been attacking Camelot's outlying villages for months. Turning up unexpectedly from the depths of the forest and disappearing just as suddenly, they'd make off with food stores and farm animals, leaving death and destruction behind. Arthur wanted to hunt them down to the last man. He wouldn't let their mere escape across the border offer them protection.

Now he could see a plume of smoke rising above the trees and hear distant screams and shouts. Another village was under attack.

"Ride on," he called to his patrol of Camelot guards and knights. "This time we'll get them."

The plunderers were taken by surprise. They had fighting skills and weapons, but had become lazy while defeating weaponless villagers and terrorizing women and children.

Arthur threw himself into the fight, meeting the bandits head-on, using his champion swordsman's skills to disarm or dispatch one adversary after the other. By his side, Leon and the Camelot patrol were equally efficient. The villagers, who had attempted a defence with pitchforks and sticks, cheered as they watched their attackers vanquished.

Just as the battle was dying down, Arthur heard a woman scream from the nearby cottage.

"Leave us alone, you brute! Merlin, no. Don't. Stop!"

Jumping from his saddle, Arthur ran to the cottage door, entering without hesitation.

Inside, a woman was backed up against the wattle-and daub far wall. She had an iron fire-poker in one hand, and with the other held on for dear life to the red piece of cloth tied around the neck of a huge black dog. She appeared to be trying to restrain the animal even as it was defending her, its hackles raised and teeth bared. A tall and heavyset robber with his sword in hand and his back to Arthur towered over the woman and her snarling protector. The bandit was hesitating, probably deciding how best to handle the vicious dog.

The woman's eyes went wide as she saw Arthur. Her protector dog immediately froze and remained immobile.

"Turn around, you lout," Arthur challenged the robber. "Try fighting a proper swordsman for a change."

The man hardly had time to pivot and raise his blade before Arthur lunged, disarming him in one swift move. With a grunt, the bandit fled, hurtling past Arthur and out of the cottage without a backwards glance.

As soon as the woman let go of the dog, it too ran away.

Arthur drew a deep breath and wiped his sword on his cloak before sheathing it. "Don't worry about the ruffian getting away, good lady. My men will take care of him. His next destination is the Camelot dungeons."

"The crest on your cloak - are you the Pendragon prince of Camelot?"

"I am indeed. Arthur Pendragon," he said, inclining his head before meeting her eyes.

Not quite young, in a simple and rather creased green dress, but with a surprisingly regal bearing, she had kind and wise eyes. "My name is Hunith. Did you come to Ealdor because of the bandits, or was there another reason?"

"I came to confront the bandits. They've raided villages in Camelot, too."

Hunith nodded, looking strangely relieved.

Ealdor. It was as Arthur had thought, then. This was Merlin's village, the home of that strange fey boy he'd briefly encountered once and had never forgotten. And hadn't he heard the woman calling Merlin's name?

As if manifested by Arthur's thoughts, a tall young man ducked through the door and into the dim interior of Hunith's small cottage. The newcomer had dark hair, blue eyes in a pale face, and drab clothes accentuated by a vibrant red neckerchief. A bloody scratch marred his right cheek. He looked intently and a little cautiously at Arthur.

In a flash, recognition struck. "Merlin!"

c:merlin, rating:g, p:arthur/merlin, pt 542:confront, *c:gilli_ann, type:drabble, c:hunith, c:arthur

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