Triad - part 1

Mar 11, 2023 08:27

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: Triad
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine
Summary: Arthur watched Merlin closely, especially when he was with Gwaine. Those two often got into trouble, but it was their relationship that drove Arthur mad. Arthur couldn’t have that, could he?
Warnings: a bit of dub-con kissing
Word Count: 952
Camelot_drabble prompt 542: Confront
Author’s notes: I had to look up polyamory: the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved.
This was broken up into 3 parts because of length.
Disclaimer: I do not own the BBC version of Merlin; They and Shine do. I am very respectfully borrowing them with no intent to profit. No money has changed hands. No copyright infringement is intended.


Usually, Arthur left Merlin alone when Gwaine was around. The man was a madhouse of jokes and inappropriate innuendo, but Merlin loved Gwaine, and Arthur loved Merlin enough to let him go. He would never interfere with their relationship. It was bad enough that Gwaine was one of the best fighters he’d seen and an asset to his cadre of knights, and it made things difficult at times, especially when the two of them looked at each other with such passion in their eyes.

Just watching them left a hole in Arthur’s heart wide enough for a dragon to fly through but it was a burden he alone would have to bear.

He did wish Gwaine wasn’t so possessive, though. After all, Merlin had duties that he tended to neglect when Gwaine was hanging around.
Once, Arthur did try to talk to Gwaine about being less hands-on, maybe let Merlin do his damn job, but the whole conversation made an odd left turn when Gwaine started grinning and making not-so-subtle suggestions of a threesome.

As if he’d ever betray Merlin like that. Merlin deserved to be loved unconditionally, not left high and dry when Gwaine decided he was bored.

But he could see why Merlin loved Gwaine. He was funny and good-hearted when push came to shove, and he had never let Arthur down, not really. Good-looking, too, shockingly so, but it was mostly his ridiculous attempts at troublemaking, mostly for a laugh, that gave Arthur pause.

They were nothing alike, him and Gwaine, but if he wasn’t already in love with Merlin, Arthur might have considered Gwaine as something more than just a friend, even when he was driving Arthur up a wall with his pranks. He made Arthur laugh, and at times, he desperately needed that.

But it didn’t matter. Arthur was alone and that’s all there was to it.
Arthur didn’t mean to listen. But when Merlin’s voice carried around the corner, Arthur just had to stop.

“He doesn’t want me like that, Gwaine,” Merlin whispered. “He’s always yelling at me for something. Or throwing things. If anything, I think he wishes I’d quit so he could yell at me some more.”

“Nah, he’s just frustrated, is all.” There was a hint of deliberation in Gwaine’s voice, and longing, too. “Merlin, I’m telling you. He watches you all the time and there’s something there. More than just trying to fathom you out.” Arthur had to strain to hear what Gwaine said next. “I think we should, you know, ask him.”

“And have him laugh in my face?” Merlin muttered. “I’ve enough humiliation for today, thank you very much.”

Merlin must have been talking about Arthur trying to teach him how to fight. The man was inept as hell and would get himself killed one day. If he didn’t break his neck tripping over his own feet first.

But Arthur didn’t hear anything else, just mutterings that faded as they moved away. He did wonder what they were going to ask him but he shoved the thought aside. There were reports to look over and he didn’t have time to think about Merlin or Gwaine’s trysts or whatever the hell they were planning. Knowing Gwaine, probably drinking through the entire mead supply at the tavern.


It was late. Arthur was just about to call for Merlin to turn down the bed and take away the remnants of supper when Gwaine barged in.

“Princess, I’ve a bone to pick with you,” Gwaine said, looking a bit rough. If Arthur didn’t know better, he would have suspected foul play or maybe Gwaine shagging Merlin in the stables. And that was not something Arthur wanted to think about.

“I’m not paying for your tavern bill. Now that you are a knight, you are expected to pay your own debts, not drain the royal treasury.” Arthur shook one of the reports he’d just finished as if to signal that their conversation was done, then looked down at it, deliberately ignoring him. “Shut the door on your way out.”

“Do you love Merlin?” Gwaine asked.

Arthur jerked at that, looking up at Gwaine with a moment’s terror that he’d been found out. But when he narrowed his eyes, Gwaine just nodded. “I thought so.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, but if you are spreading rumours about me, we’ve just refurbished the dungeons. Manacles on the walls, a bucket for vomit and urine that has seen better days. And the scent of rat droppings in the air. A night down there might curb your tongue,” Arthur snapped.

“Oh, kinky,” Gwaine said, giving Arthur a smug grin. “We can talk about the manacles later. Do you want Merlin?”

“Gwaine, enough, it’s not appropriate for you to say such things to me.” Arthur scowled at him.

“He’s pining, you know.” Gwaine strolled over to Arthur and plucked the report out of his hand, throwing it aside, much to Arthur’s annoyance. “He loves me but he… well, when he thinks he’s not wanted, he just shuts down and lies about how he feels. A lot like you.” Arthur just sat there, his mouth open. He couldn’t believe that Gwaine was actually talking about feelings. “And don’t give me that, princess. You watch him all the time.”

“I do not,” Arthur huffed his irritation, furious that Gwaine could see through him so easily, then stood up, pointing toward the door. “Out!”

“Ohhhh, make me.” Gwaine was like a two-year old at times.

“You don’t think I can’t?” Arthur said, stalking over to Gwaine, glaring daggers at him.

“Make me, Princess,” Gwaine said again, his voice turning sultry. “I do love a bit of foreplay.”

p:gwaine/merlin, *c:archaeologist_d, rating:nc-17, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, pt 542:confront, p:arthur/gwaine

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