Raspberry pie for Laev

Dec 30, 2022 23:06

Title: Raspberry Pie
Recipient: Laev
Author: aeris444
Rating: PG13
Pairing/s: Percival/Gwaine
Summary: The Knight have a day off and Gwaine has a plan...
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1202
Author's Notes: Laev, first, I'm really sorry for being late but real life was a b**** in the past days. I hope you'll like this little gift with our common favourite pairing <3 Happy Holidays!
Disclaimer:Merlin is owned by the BBC and Shine. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made. Don't send us to the dungeons.

Percival lay in bed, looking at the ceiling of his room. It was still dark outside but he was already awake, his body was used to an early schedule… But today was different. Arthur had given all his Knights a day off to thank them for all the work they had done during the past week as Camelot had welcomed a group of Druids for some negotiations.

Percival took a deep breath and thought about how many things had changed since he had joined Arthur and Merlin for the first time.

Lancelot had left them, leaving a large hole that was still gaping but slowly healing.

Arthur was now King and Gwen sitting next to him as his Queen.

The most surprising change, though, was that Merlin was standing just next to them… as the Court Sorcerer.

A smile appeared on Percival's lips. Magic being welcomed in Camelot felt like a small miracle but over the years, the knight had learned that Arthur and Merlin were indeed capable of miracles.

Like that group of Knights, coming from different backgrounds but united in their loyalty to Camelot, Arthur, and Merlin.

Percival himself had changed, too. He had finally come to terms with what happened to his family and had stopped to try to save everyone else to make up for his failure. He had also learned to trust people again. Merlin and Arthur, first and then Gwaine.

Gwaine, his best friend. Gwaine was probably the biggest change in Percival’s life. He was the first true friend he had had since his childhood. Gwaine and he were so different, though. Gwaine was carefree and it had finally rubbed off on Percival. With Gwaine, he had learned to enjoy life. And he had learned to have absolute trust in someone. He had learned to love, too. But that was his little secret.


Percival hadn’t realised he had ended up falling asleep again before he was woken up by loud knocks on his room’s door.

He grunted “Go away” but it seemed that it was interpreted as “Come in” by Gwaine who barged in.

“Rise and Shine!”

“Gwaine, it’s too early!” Percival grumbled.

“Look like you overslept, lazy daisy! I was going to invite you for lunch…”


Percival finally realised that the sun was indeed high in the sky.


A few minutes later, dressed and freshened up, Percival was following Gwaine to the kitchens for another adventure he was probably gonna regret… or not?

“So, you’re gonna ask Sienna for a raspberry pie. She likes you so she’ll give it to you, I’m sure. And while you’re distracting her, I’ll get the rest of our meal…”

“I still don’t know why we can’t ask for everything…”

“Let’s say I had a little divergence of opinion with the head cook last week…”

Percival sighed. Gwaine managed to argue with the cook every two days.

“Alright, let’s do it then. But you’re sure you don’t want an apple pie?”

“No, I know you love raspberries…” Gwaine said with his trademark smile.

A smile that always made Percival a little bit weak in the knees.

And so Percival did it. He got his pie, a few fresh raspberries, and even a shy smile from Sienna.

When he came out of the kitchen, Gwaine was waiting for him with a heavy-looking basket in his arms.

“Got everything! Let’s go.”

And Percival followed.


“Where are we going exactly?” Percival asked, riding along with his friend, under the warm sun.

“You’ll see!”

They were riding for some time already. Their saddlebags were full of food and other things that Gwaine had wanted to keep hidden from Percival.

This was unusual for Gwaine. He loved to explain his crappy plans in detail. But Percival was happy to follow. It wasn’t how he had imagined he would spend his day off but being with Gwaine was always pleasant. And not knowing what was happening felt like an adventure and perhaps not a life-threatening one, for once.


Of all the strange things Gwaine has done, organising a picnic in a flowery field next to a river was probably the strangest.

But Percival was enjoying himself. It really felt like a day off, away from Camelot, not thinking about protecting Arthur or helping Merlin save the day. It felt relaxing. And being alone with Gwaine was a treat he would always appreciate.

They ate the chicken legs and mushroom paté and drank the cider Gwaine had stolen from the kitchen before attacking the raspberry pie.

“I must admit that, even if it doesn't reach the level of an apple pie, raspberries are good!”

“Wow, that must be the most wonderful compliment any food can receive from you,” Percival answered, laughing with his mouth still half-full of pie.

But his laughing stopped when he felt Gwaine’s fingers near his lips.

“You had raspberry puree…” Gwaine said, just before licking the said puree from his fingers.

That’s when Percival’s brain decided to stop functioning. His lips were parted, his eyes fixated on Gwaine’s fingers shining with saliva… and his blood was rushing south in an independent move from Percival’s will.

“Hey? Are you okay?” Gwaine inquired, moving his hand (the one with the fingers… the fingers that he had licked… the fingers that had touched Percival's lips…) in front of Percival’s eyes.

But Percival couldn’t answer. Not when his brain has suddenly started functioning again only to wonder if Gwaine’s touching his lips and then licking his fingers could count as some kind of kiss… And what it would feel to kiss Gwaine… Really this time, lips against lips.

“Percy! ”

Now Gwaine was shaking his friend to get some kind of reaction.

And he got one, albeit probably not the one he was expecting.

Percival kissed Gwaine. And it tasted like raspberries.


Gwaine had changed a lot of things in Percival’s life… He had helped him discover new things but who could have guessed that his most wonderful discovery could be a raspberry pie-flavoured blowjob?


Alright, making love in the river was even better than the blowjob…


“Aren’t days off supposed to be about resting?” Percival asked as Gwaine let his hand caress his tights not really hiding where he wanted to go.

“We can call in sick and so that would get us another day to rest!”

“You’re a true menace!” Percival said, giggling as Gwaine’s fingers were navigating toward the inside of his thighs.

“And proud of it…”

Gwaine put an end to this conversation by kissing Percival.

And two rounds later, Percival finally agreed to fake an illness to rest… In the state in which he was, he would never survive riding his horse for a patrol…

“Gwaine? Do we need to take the horses to go back to Camelot?” Percival asked in a tiny voice.

“Of course, we are leagues away from town.”

“Kill me now…” Percival pleaded, the soreness of his backside increasing just thinking about the return trip.


“Should I investigate more, Merlin?”

“About what?”

“That raspberry pie that got both Percival and Gwaine sick…”

“If I were you, Arthur, I wouldn't.”

“But I don't want anyone else to get sick…”

“Don’t worry, I don’t think they are into threesomes.”


p:gwaine/percival, type:drabble, !holiday exchange fest 2022, *c:aeris444, rating:pg-13

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