A Snowman Kind of Day for archaeologist_d

Dec 26, 2022 14:20

Title: A Snowman Kind of Day
Author: ajsrandom
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Gwen/Lancelot
Summary: Merlin decides he want to do a snowman building contest, and ropes Gwen and Lance into it too. Deep discussions are had.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1766
Author's Notes: Thanks to my betas, B and E. archaeologist_d, I hope you don't mind the snowman building intermixed with a coming out story!
Disclaimer:Merlin is owned by the BBC and Shine. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made. Don't send us to the dungeons.

Merlin, Gwen, and Lance walked through the campus of the University of Camelot. It was nearly winter, which, of course, meant that it was snowing. There was already a deep accumulation over the grass, but the walks were clear. They were done with classes for the day and walking back to their respective halls.

“Hey guys,” Merlin said. “Let’s have a snowman-making contest!”

“Right here on the quad?” Lance replied.

“Is that kind of thing allowed?” Gwen wondered.

“I don’t know, but it would be fun. Besides, we all need to let go of some stress before exams start,” Merlin said.

“I second that idea. I’m in!” Lance tugged on Gwen’s hand. “Come on, you know you want to.”

“Yeah, I want to.” Gwen yielded to Lance’s tug and they were off into the deep snow before she could say anything else.

“All right. I’ll work on mine over here.” Merlin pointed. “You two work over there.” He bent down and cupped some snow into his hands, forming it into a ball. “Yup, this is perfect snow for building snowmen.” He dropped the snowball onto the ground and built up snow around it to make the bottom tier.

Merlin glance over at Lance and Gwen. Lance was helping Gwen roll a ball. “Hey Lance! No helping. It’s a contest, remember?”

“Like you’re not going to use your magic to help yourself,” Lance shot back.

Merlin grinned. “Hey, that’s a great idea!” He held up his hand, and with a few words, the ball of snow was rolling itself. Once he thought it was big enough, he stopped the flow of magic, then started again with a new ball.

Gwen glanced over at him. “You shouldn’t have said that. Now he’s going to finish before we do.”

“That’s okay. We’ll get more satisfaction out of doing ours the hard way,” Lance replied.

They were starting to get noticed. Other students paused and watched them as they passed by. Merlin grinned. “We’re getting attention.”

Lance looked up. “Cool. Now get back to work.”

“I’m already finished,” Merlin pointed at his snowman, complete with Merlin’s extra beanie.

“How . . .? Oh never mind. You’ve been cheating with magic for years,” Gwen said.

“Yes, but never at the important stuff.” Merlin smiled. Besides, now I can help you tow, if you want.”

“Thanks, but I think we’ll just do ours the old-fashioned way. Sweat equity, you know,” Lance replied.

“Suit yourself.” Merlin cleared snow off a nearby bench and sat on it. He took to people-watching, and saw a hot, blond guy pass buy. His mouth slowly fell open. “Hey guys, who’s that?”

“Are you kidding? That’s Arthur Pendragon. He’s on the footie team with me. You never noticed?” Lance said.

“No, I think I would have noticed him before.”

“How did you miss him? He’s been in every game you’ve come to watch.”

“Even I noticed him,” Gwen chimed in. “How could you not?”

“Hey!” said Lance.

“Aw, are you jealous?” Gwen pulled Lance close and kissed him. “Don’t be. I saw you first and you’re stuck with me. For life.”

“Thanks, love.”

Merlin cleared his throat. “If you two are done being cutesy, tell me more about this Arthur Pendragon.”

“Well, the good news for you is he’s bi and not seeing anyone,” Lance said.

“I heard he’s studying business so he can join his father’s company,” Gwen added.

Lance nodded. “Camelot Industries is one of the biggest of its kind in Britain.”

“You mean that Camelot Industries?” Merlin stood agape again. “Wow.”

“Yeah, I know.” Lance stood up straight and looked at the snowman he and Gwen had just finished. “Looks pretty good, right?”

“If you like amateur jobs,” Merlin chuckled. “One more for Gwen.”

“Really?” Gwen said.

“It’s a contest, remember? One for each of us.”

“Oh, fine.” She and Lance got back to work.

After a moment of thought, Merlin spoke again. “Isn’t Uther Pendragon the biggest bigot around when it comes to magic?”

Lance nodded. “Yes he is.”

Merlin frowned. “Does Arthur feel the same way?”

Lance stopped rolling the snow and walked over to Merlin. “I happen to know he doesn’t agree with his old man on this. Why do you think he enrolled in the university that’s the biggest proponent of magic in Britain instead of Oxford?”

Merlin smiled. “That’s a relief. So I’m free to lust after him?”

“Lust away. When I can, I’ll put in a good word for you.”

“Thanks, Lance, but you don’t have to do that.”

“Merlin, how long have we been friends? Of course I do.”

Merlin blushed. “Thanks. You have no idea how hard it is to be both gay and magical.”

“I’ve got a pretty good idea, thanks to you.”

Gwen grunted, “If you two are done, could I get your help?” The ball she was rolling was, by now, pretty sizeable.

“Oh, of course.” Lance walked back over to her.

Gwen grinned. “Merlin, remember our first date?”

“You mean our first and only date? The one where I cried and you helped me figure out I was gay?”

“Wait. How am I only now hearing about this?” Lance complained. “I mean, I know you two grew up together, but I had no idea you dated.”

“Date, singular,” Gwen stated. “Yeah, I kind of knew Merlin was special but I didn’t know why until that infamous date.”

“So what happened?”

Gwen glanced at Merlin. “Do you want to tell it or should I?”

“You’re the better storyteller,” Merlin replied.

“Okay, it was like this. Merlin was feeling pressure from his mum to date. I knew he was questioning himself then, which I why I was surprised when he asked me out. I asked him if he was sure, and he said yes, so we went out.

“We had a picnic on the beach. He brought the food and blanket. It was the perfect setting for romance, but it just wasn’t there, you know? We’d been friends too long. When he reached for my hand and held it, I knew. I knew something was up.

“So, I asked him about it. He admitted his mum was pressuring him to date, but he wasn’t sure he even liked girls that way, you know? So I suggested we kiss and see how that felt.”

“Worst mistake of my life. No offense, Gwen,” Merlin said.

“None taken. So we kissed and when I backed away, I looked at his face. It was all twisted up. I’d never seen him look like that before. I asked him if he was all right and he said he wasn’t. He said, ‘Gwen, I think I really am gay.’

“I said, ‘Of course you are,’ and brought him in for a hug. When I felt tears on his face, I pulled back again and asked him if he was okay. He said ‘no.’”

“That’s when it all came flooding out,” Merlin added.

“Literally. He cried while he told me how his mum expected him to date girls, and how was she going to get any grandchildren if he was gay. I reminded him about adoption. He asked how he was going to tell his mum, how she would probably be mad, and on and on.”

“I was a big mess,” Merlin said.

“Yes, you were.” Gwen grinned. “But not for long. I reassured him that his mum loved him no matter what, and though she might be upset at first, she’d get through it. And I would be there to help.”

“And she was there to help. Thise first few weeks after I told mum were a little rough. Not because she got upset, but because I still kind of felt I was disappointing her.”

“Merlin, you never disappointed her, I know that. I think you just surprised her. She came round rather quickly.”

Lance put his hand on Merlin’s shoulder. “Merlin, you are an amazing guy. I know someday some guy is going to fall hard for you and you for him. Then you’ll get married and adopt 2.5 kids and live happily ever after.”

“Thanks Lance.” Merlin looked at their latest creation. “Is that your, um, final snowman?”

Lance and Gwen’s last snowman was a haphazard pile of snow. Even they admitted that. “Well,” Merlin said, “I think we all know who the real winner here is.”

The students watching clapped and cheered, including Arthur Pendragon. “Nice work!” he called out. Merlin blushed and turned away.

“Merlin!” Gwen hissed. “Go talk to him!”

“No, I’d better not. Lance, help?”

“Gwen, let it go. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.”

“All right. So, what now. We go home?”

Merlin grinned. “No, I think it’s time we had some real fun.” He waved his hand at his snowman, uttered a bunch of words, and the snowman started moving.

“Merlin, what did you do?” Lance asked.

“He’s going to entertain us now!”

And with that, the snowman started bouncing up and down to the beat of the music coming from Merlin’s phone. Then, as words came, his rock mouth split open and began singing. “Happy holidays . . . happy holidays, happy holidays, to you.”

Lance and Gwen stated while Merlin started dancing along with the snowman. The crowd cheered louder, and the snowman sang even louder and swaying side to side.

“Merlin, don’t you think this is getting a little out of hand?” Gwen asked.

“Naw. They love it.” He pointed to the crowd, many of whom were swaying and singing along. “Let them have their fun for one more song. Everyone needs a laugh now and then. I’ve got it under control.”

Lance pulled on Gwen’s hand. “What’s the harm if he’s got it under control?”

Gwen bit her bottom lip, but said, “Okay.” She let him pull her into a swing dance as the snowman started singing “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.”

Merlin continued to sway and sing along with the snowman until the song was over. He released the magic again, and the snowman came to a slow stop. The crowd clapped and cheered, and many came over to thank Merlin for the entertainment he’d provided.

“That wasn’t too bad,” Gwen said.

“Not too bad? That was awesome,” Lance replied.

Merlin just grinned. “Thanks, guys. I appreciate you indulging me in the snowman contest, and the resulting, ah, entertainment.”

Lance clapped a hand on his shoulder. “That was fun, my friend. Now let’s go get something to eat.”

“I agree,” Gwen said.

Merlin snatched his beanie off the snowman, and, as they watched, it winked at them.

c:merlin, c:lancelot, rating:g, !holiday exchange fest 2022, type:drabble, c:gwen, p:gwen/lancelot, *c:ajsrandom

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