
May 02, 2022 16:57

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Stay
Rating: PG
Characters: Merlin, Arthur, OOC
Summary: In the final battle for Arthur's life, Merlin wields the strongest weapon of all
Word Count: 555
Prompt: 503 'Cuddle'
Author's Notes: Canon AU, angst with a happy ending. Melodrama with a touch of the macabre. Very much inspired by the video to Shakespeare's Sister's song 'Stay'.


He was holding him close, so close - a gesture that under different circumstances might have been described as a tight cuddle. But Arthur was dying, he was on the very brink, and this embrace was Merlin's last frantic attempt to somehow share parts of his own life force, to keep the inevitable at bay.

"Stay with me," he whispered entreatingly, desperately. "Stay. You can do it, I know you can. I've seen you pull through against insurmountable odds so many times. You cannot go while I am right here by your side."

Arthur remained unresponsive, motionless, and cold. No emotions flitted across his pale, still features. No breath moved his chest. The breeze tugging playfully at Arthur's golden hair created a mere mockery of life.

Merlin looked up, searching for what help or miracle he himself couldn't have said. His own magic had failed, could there be anything stronger?

In front of him on the hillside the shape of a woman appeared, shimmering and changeable, somehow translucent, but clearly an entity of substance. For a moment her features were Morgana's, but they changed, morphing into Nimueh's, Morgause's, Sophia's, then Kara's.

Death had come for Arthur as an amalgamation of all the sorceresses who'd tried to claim his life over the years.

"No!" Merlin called out wildly as the unwelcome apparition glided closer, a feral grin fixed on her changing features. "Leave us alone! You cannot have him!"

Death didn't obey his command, but kept approaching. She reached out, taking one of Arthur's still hands in her shimmering own.

"No!" Merlin screamed at her again, holding Arthur tight, refusing to let go. "Keep off of him! Let him go - let him live!"

Magic rose up in him like scorching fire, exploding outwards. All his powers focused on forcing the smirking apparition to leave this grisly tug-of-war over a man poised on the threshold to the next life. But Merlin's magic proved ineffectual. It flowed past Death, neither harming nor hindering her, and she laughed as she pulled Arthur closer. The chill of that loveless, brittle sound went to the very core of Merlin's heart.

He held on, clinging to Arthur, his grip growing stronger as he faced this ultimate test of wills. "Leave us! You cannot have him. I'll never let go. You'll have to take us both!"

For a moment, the manic grin slipped from his cruel adversary's face. The shimmer of cold beauty faded, and the features of the skull underneath were visible, Death's real and ugly self.

"I love him more than life itself. I'm never letting go!" Merlin insisted, Arthur still held firmly in his arms.

Death's self-satisfied laughter turned to a hollow rattle. She dropped Arthur's hand and stepped back, pausing for a beat. "Your magic cannot stop me, but even I cannot defeat your fierce devotion," she conceded at last.

Her shape was already evaporating, like insubstantial night mists fleeing the morning sun's brightness and warmth. Soon, she was gone.

Merlin sensed tears streaming freely down his face. He felt too drained to move, could hardly breathe. Had he really won? Would Arthur live?

Within his arms, Arthur stirred. He opened his blue eyes to meet Merlin's. "What's the time?" he asked. "Why are you crying? Don't be such a bawling girl's blouse, Merlin. I'm hungry."

pt 503:cuddle, *c:gilli_ann, c:merlin, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, rating:pg, c:arthur

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