
Feb 01, 2022 17:06

Author: bunnysworld
Title: Strawberries
Rating: PG
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Arthur has a weird definition of 'bargain'
Warnings: none
Word Count: 296
Prompt 490: Bargain

"Arthur!" Merlin yelled.

"What?" Arthur hauled the last of the brown bags in.

"Are you out of your mind?" Merlin looked around. Bags everywhere.

"It was a bargain, how could I have resisted?" Setting the bag down Arthur looked around, obviously very happy with what he had bought.

Merlin sank into the only chair that didn't have stuff on it. "A bargain..."

"Yes, if you bought 4, you got a 5th one for free. Isn't that what you said I should look for?"

Closing his eyes and groaning, Merlin shook his head. "Arthur...four crates of strawberries...that alone is too much for us. Five even more so. Why did you have to buy their entire stock? They will go bad before we even used the first four crates!"

"Oh." It was obvious that this thought hadn't occured to him before. "We can...make milk shakes and sauce and...?"

"With all of this?" Merlin gestured around the kitchen. "We'd eat strawberries until year's."

Arthur already had his mobile out. "Yes, we need it delivered today....mhmm...yup....alright."

"What did you do now?"

"I ordered us a freezer. You wanted one forever and we have the space to set it up here. We can freeze all the strawberry things we can't use up right away."

Merlin blinked before taking a deep breath, letting it out in a big sigh.


"You buy tons of strawberry because they are 'cheap' and now you buy a freezer to store them?"

"Err...yeah?" Arthur shrugged and then grinned.

"What am I going to do with you?" Merlin still shook his head.

When he produced a can of cream, his grin got even wider. He held the can out to Merlin and reached for a crate of strawberries. "Oh, I think you can think of something."

pt 490:bargain, *c:bunnysworld, c:merlin, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, rating:pg, c:arthur

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