Fic: One Last Hurrah with Arthur and Merlin ~ PG-13

Jan 08, 2022 18:40

Title: One Last Hurrah with Arthur and Merlin
Author: emrys_mk
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Arthur, the Prince of Camelot, and Merlin, his Personal Assistant, make a decision about their future.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1000
Author's Notes: Just a brief scene that popped into my head when I saw the prompt for this week. Modern Royalty AU
Disclaimer:Merlin is owned by the BBC and Shine. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made. Don't send us to the dungeons.

“Are you sure about this?” Arthur glanced over at Merlin, who was standing in the doorway, a goofy grin on his face. As he awaited an answer, Arthur finished undressing as quickly as he could and padded into the steam-filled bathroom. He visibly shivered, looking forward to the hot water warming his chilled body. Merlin’s reflection was barely visible in the mirror, but his frown was unmistakable. As soon as Arthur warmed up he planned to kiss that frown off of Merlin’s face. He would do anything to make Merlin smile.

“Well yeah,” Merlin answered confidently. “We talked about what I was going to do. You seemed fine with it. Even told me I was making the right decision. You haven’t changed your mind, have you?” Merlin’s you was noticeably softer and less sure than his well yeah had been.

Arthur decided to mull over his response as he stepped under the spray. Not that he needed to-he knew his answer without thought-but he was freezing. Almost literally. Who had given Mother Nature permission to drop the temperature thirty degrees in one day?

As the water cascaded over his shivering body, he let out a contented sigh. The coldest day in over a century the news had said. Snow deep enough that Arthur’s driver’s car had been stuck for much of the morning. George had finally managed to move it, which was a very good thing because Arthur’s father had called an hour earlier and requested his son and Merlin join him for supper.

Brilliant. Bloody brilliant. The king’s timing, as always, was horrible. Arthur wondered if this summons had anything to do with Merlin. Of course it did. It certainly had nothing to do with Uther Pendragon wanting to spend time with his son.

Arthur harrumphed. Had his father heard that Merlin handed in his resignation? Arthur scrunched his eyes shut, unsure how he felt.

One thing he was certain of, however, was that Merlin Emrys was no longer employed by the Royal Family of Camelot. His duties as Prince Arthur Pendragon’s Personal Assistant were no more.

Arthur turned around and leaned his head back so his hair was soon soaked by hot water. He was happy for Merlin… and for himself. Now they could see each other and be together romantically without fear of breaking steadfast rules that were archaic-edicts that his father had reminded him about the previous night. Of course, Uther Pendragon, who was not at all a fan of Merlin’s, had done this reminding in the hope that his son’s dalliance would be fleeting.

Arthur’s hopes were quite opposite… even if he and Merlin were two of the most unlikely people to get together.

Merlin was a twenty-two year old struggling student whose family’s greatest claim to fame was winning a Christmas contest that resulted in mother and son getting a free vacation in Hawaii. And he wasn’t Arthur’s usual type. Far from it.

But what did any of that matter? It wasn’t as if Arthur cared about Merlin’s financial situation. And as far as types went? Merlin was the only type that mattered.

Regarding Arthur’s status in the family business, he was and would continue to be the heir. Barring death, a coup, or a change to the rules of succession, he would one day be king. There was little his father could do about that.

So yes, Merlin had made the sensible decision by handing in his resignation.

But Merlin had been the best PA Arthur had ever employed. He had failed miserably at doing any sort of menial labor, it had to be said, but he had excelled when it counted.

Arthur would miss that, but if losing his PA gained him future happiness, that was all that mattered.

As he lathered his hair, Arthur let out a laugh. He had been sure Merlin would lose his nerve and decide not to resign. Per Merlin’s own words: They were in the early days of this torrid romance. He was one of those independent sorts. His employment was important to him. Arthur would soon tire of him. There was more, but Arthur had tuned Merlin’s other protestations out.

Obviously, Merlin was made of sturdier stock than Arthur gave him credit for. Thankfully, all of those excuses of Merlin’s had not weighed more than the love he had for Arthur.

“We’re okay, yeah?” Merlin asked as he stepped behind Arthur and wrapped his arms around him.

“Hm,” Arthur replied as he rinsed the shampoo from his hair, the huge grin on his face hidden from Merlin.

As if there was any possibility that they were not okay. Silly Merlin. Arthur turned around and wrapped his arms around Merlin’s waist. “We’re more than okay. I’ll miss you working with me every day, but at least now we’re not breaking any century-old laws. I can do whatever I want with you and not worry about besmirching my employee’s honour.” Arthur laughed as he leant in and kissed Merlin.

Merlin pulled back several seconds later and licked his lips. “About that… Morgana said for legal purposes my resignation will take effect at 1700. So technically we are still breaking rules.” Merlin didn’t look at all upset about this statement. “If you push me up against the wall and bugger me, well, it could cause problems if your father finds out.”

“Well,” Arthur said mischievously, “we’ve flouted the rules quite thoroughly with all the buggering we’ve already done as employee and employer in these rooms. I don’t see what one more will hurt. Let’s make this last one the best yet.”

Merlin chuckled as he ran his arms up and down Arthur’s hips. “Yes, Your Royal Highness.”

An hour later, Arthur and Merlin sat down across from his father. The King of Camelot would probably never like Merlin, but that was fine. Arthur loved him, which was all that mattered.

c:merlin, p:arthur/merlin, rating:pg, pt 487:the last one, *c:emrys_mk, type:drabble, rating:pg-13, c:arthur

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