Camelot Drabble Holiday Exchange - Check In

Dec 11, 2021 23:16

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are excited for our Annual Camelot Drabble Holiday Exchange Fest!!

Today's December 11th, this means that you must check in just to let us know that everything is ticking over fine! To make sure that everything runs smoothly, we must insist that everyone that is participating with us checks in. We don’t want to be SURPRISED by any last minute drop outs - and would appreciate a heads up, so we can find pinch-hitters in time.

Please check in by leaving a comment on this post (comments will be screened).

Just to let you know, it's mandatory to check in, if you do not, you will be considered "dropped out."

Also, you must let us know by December 15th if you are unable to participate, so we have enough time to get a pitch-hitter so no one is left without a gift!

If you have any questions, you can always email us: or ask your questions here!


!modpost, !holiday exchange fest 2021

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