Diverging Paths

Jul 22, 2021 16:37

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Diverging Paths
Rating: G
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana
Summary: Merlin muses on family and other influences in their lives
Word Count: 300
Prompt: Bingo, prompt: 'Family'
Author's Notes: Canon triple drabble

Diverging Paths

All four of them came from a broken family and grew up under demanding circumstances.

Merlin never knew his father, but his mother's love supported him every step of the way through his childhood.

Arthur had no mother, and his father was distant, cold, and frightening, demanding too much of his son and giving very little in return.

Morgana grew up without her mother, too. And although Duke Gorlois was a loving father to her, he died while she was still a child, setting her adrift on the rough seas of Uther's manipulations.

Gwen also lost her mother early, and her childhood was marred by the angry conflicts between Elyan and her father. Still, Tom was a constant, caring, and steady presence in her life.

It doesn't necessarily take a village, Merlin mused. One single loving parent had sustained both him and Gwen, made them into whole people. In contrast, Morgana's turbulent early years, marred by loss, grief, and incessant lies - all courtesy of Uther Pendragon - went a long way to explaining her inability to develop trust or form human attachements as an adult.

And Arthur? Arthur hadn't really had anyone either. Uther's love was repressive, not supportive. Growing into manhood, Arthur was volatile, cocky, and insecure, a shallow supercilious prat. Yet he had developed into a good man and ruler, responsible, honourable, deeply devoted to his people and country.

What happened along the way to make Arthur's and Morgana's paths diverge? Merlin knew the answer. Uther was obviously at the heart of it, but also - he himself had happened. His own actions and deliberate inactions had been pivotal in forming Arthur into a great king and breaking Morgana down into an embittered, venomous madwoman.

Merlin's appearance in the lives of the Pendragon siblings had made all the difference.

c:merlin, rating:g, *c:gilli_ann, pt 466:bingo-round 3, type:drabble, c:gwen, c:morgana, c:arthur

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