First Meeting

Apr 26, 2021 21:02

Author: ajsrandom
Title: First Meeting
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Merlin/Morgana
Character/s: Hunith, Merlin, Morgana
Summary: Hunith goes to meet her first grandchild.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 397
Prompt: 456, Tiny
Author's Notes: :)

Hunith rushed into the hospital’s maternity ward. She was stopped by a nurse at the nurses’ station. “Excuse me, you need to check in here.”

“Oh, of course. My name is Hunith Emrys and I’m here to see Merlin and Morgana Emrys. Well, I’m really here to see my new grandbaby,” Hunith replied.

“They are in recovery room three. Down that hall.” The nurse pointed to the right.

“Thank you.”

Hunith walked down the hallway as fast as she could without breaking into a run. When she came to room three, she knocked on the door.

“Come in,” she heard Merlin say.

Hunith opened the door and carefully closed it behind her. She found Morgana asleep on the hospital bed, and Merlin standing and rocking a little bundle in his arms. “Oh!” she said, taking in the scene.

“Hello, mum,” Merlin said. “Meet your new granddaughter, Elliana Emrys.”

“Oh my goodness! Look at her!”

“Here, come hold her.”

Hunith stepped closer and Merlin carefully transferred Ellie into her arms. She gazed down at her little granddaughter in wonder. “She’s so tiny. I can barely remember when you were this tiny. How has she been?”

“So far she’s been sleeping, but she just woke up before you knocked on the door.”

“Look at all those perfect, tiny features. She looks more like Morgana, I think.”

“Thanks, mum.”

“Merlin, you look exhausted. Why don’t you settle down into that comfy-looking chair and get some rest? I’m sure Ellie and I will get along nicely for a while.”

“Wake me if she fusses.”

“Now Merlin, I know how to take care of a baby. We’ll be fine.”

Merlin yawned and reclined the chair. “If you’re sure . . .”

“Merlin, go to sleep.”

“’kay,” he said before closing his eyes.

“Now it’s time for you and me to get better acquainted,” Hunith told Ellie, who yawned. “Oh, are you sleepy too? Let’s see if I can get you to sleep.” She hummed and rocked Ellie until she, too fell asleep.

Hunith laid Ellie in the hospital bassinet and pulled out her phone. “Perfect time to take pictures of my sleepy family.” She took several pictures of Merlin, Morgana and Ellie then sat in the room’s remaining chair. “It’s a good thing I brought my novel.” She pulled out a paperback and began reading, patiently waiting for someone to wake up.

pt 456:tiny, c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, c:hunith, *c:ajsrandom, p:merlin/morgana

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