amarie_authielTitle: The clam and the pearl
Rating: G
Character/s:Arthur, Merlin, two nameless people
Summary: Observations of an officr dispute
Prompt: 455 Friction
Word Count: 200
Author's Notes: So at least i wrote something, naturally at midnight (my time) when I should be sleeping.
He watches them from a distance. Even without sound it was clear that mr Emries and the young mr Pendragon where having a rather lound debate.
"There's a lot of friction between those two."
He doesn't expects much of a reply. But it seems he found one of the few people in the business willing to openly discuss the two.
"Those two? It's the friction that get things moving rather than spinning. It's like the clam and the grain of sand; it starts small and it snowballs into greatness eventually."
He chuckles briefly at the mixed up analogies.
"Maybe so. But who's the clam and who's the grain of sand?"
"A clam has two shells."
He watches as the other one pantomimes a clam by opening and closing with his cupped hands. He tries to mask his dislike of this by looking at his wrist watch ever so briefly. Looking back he finds the the pantomime person had gone and the reply he had prepared died on his lips. He frowns to himself. That's what he got from talking to random people at the water cooler. He hoped the pearl would be worth the headaches he got from their arguments.