Out & Proud

Sep 24, 2012 07:28

Author: min7girl
Title:Out & Proud
Summary:Arthur's the future King and in the closet. A secret Facebook group is his only refuge.
Word Count:600
Author's Notes:Again this Drabble business makes me want full length bazillion word fics made. Someone use this as a prompt! PLEASE!! That or a tag your it game!

It wasn't something he dreamt of in lonely nights because it was never an option. Wealth and status pigeonholed all possibilities of finding the perfect one long before his birth. Add to that his status of gay, and well, he just made plans for never being in a relationship he cared about. It was his duty, his privilege as a monarch.

Since a future King couldn't be in love with a man, the closer friends he allowed into his more private of thoughts recommended trying something. He was hesitant at first, but his head of security, Leon, was the one who gave him the laptop and the email, and the facebook account to use. He said all of them were untraceable back to the palace and that Arthur could use them as he saw fit.

There were many things about his long time school friend, Gwaine, that Arthur had no interest in finding out. How the man knew where to send a royal gay prince online was one of them. 'Bradley J.' joined a secret gay support group on facebook, it catered to men who were high profile and deep in the closet and most likely never to come out of it.

This was two years ago, and now Arthur sat comfortably on his bed logged in as Bradley chatting with one of his friends in group, when the admin added a new member. Almost everyone in there had false profiles with generic information about secret likes and dislikes connected to it. Out of habit, Arthur pulled up the mysterious new addition, Merlin Emrys.

To Arthur's horror, he saw real family links and photos, school listings. All of it was open for the world to see. Not only that, Emrys displayed membership to every gay support group imaginable.

Arthur sent a message to the head of his secret group, Someone he had grown to trust and rely on as a friend.

Bradley J.: Idiot Colin! How could you add someone so blatantly out!

Colin Morgan: Just because someone's out doesn't mean they wouldn't understand. Prat!

Bradley J.: Of course he doesn't understand, He can choose. He has the right to live his life as he pleases. Those in this group don't.

Colin Morgan: I've always said everyone has choices. It's this group's motto, I simply thought interacting with someone who made the choice to come out rather than hide it would be good for everyone.

Bradley J.: This has to do with that bloke you're in love with doesn't it?

The reply took too long. Arthur knew the answer before it was typed.

Colin Morgan: Yes. I want him to see the real me. I don't want to lie to him anymore.

Bradley J: I thought your friend knew you were gay.

Colin Morgan: He doesn't know everything about me.

Bradley J: And you think this Merlin guy will help with that?

Colin Morgan: I hope so.

Arthur went back to Merlin's page for a quick review. If Colin thought someone important, Arthur paid attention. Colin's instincts were rarely wrong. Misguided in that the world was a happy place full of sunshine and unicorns kind of way, but usually correct.

Five minutes into his reading, Arthur changed his mind about Colin's instincts. Arthur's were far superior, and it was obvious how Colin and Merlin would be friends, they had a lot of similar interests. Most likely Merlin was the guy Colin had feelings for. If so, Arthur needed be as close to this person as possible. Colin could barely protect himself, and if this Merlin hurt Colin in any way...

Arthur growled a little at the idea, before sending a friend request to Mr. Out&Proud Emrys.

*c:min7girl, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, pt 025:facebook, rating:pg-13

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