The Crimson Avenger

Jan 21, 2020 16:20

Author: ajsrandom
Title: The Crimson Avenger
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin
Summary: Kid!Arthur and kid!Merlin save the day.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 298
Prompt: 395, Crimson
Author's Notes: This is my fist kid!fic. Please let me know how I did. Also, I may have pilfered the Crimson Avenger from somewhere. If so, I mean no harm in using it.

“I am the Crimson Avenger!” Arthur yelled as he slid down the tall slide. Once he reached the bottom, he flourished his cape, which was really a red bath towel. But he didn’t mind, since his dad refused to buy him the costume, he’d made do with this, bringing it out only when his nanny took him to the playground. She didn’t mind one bit that he was the Crimson Avenger.

Arthur scoured the playground, looking for his cohort, Crimson Lad, who was really Merlin, his best friend. “To me, Crimson Lad!” he yelled, still looking for Merlin.

“Coming!” Merlin said from the top of the tall slide. He slid down as well and came to stand next to Arthur. “Crimson Lad, reporting for duty!”

“Who shall we avenge next?” Arthur asked him.

“How about that little girl over there?” The little girl in question had just come down the short slide and had fallen on her bum. She was crying.

“Let’s go, Crimson Lad!”

They hurried over to the little girl, capes soaring behind them. Once they got there, Merlin asked, “Hey are you okay?”

She shook her head. “I want my mummy!”

Undeterred, Arthur bent down to help the little girl stand and move away from the slide. “It’s gonna be all right.” He wiped her eyes with his cape then looked up to see a woman approaching. “Is that your mummy?”

The girl nodded then ran to the woman, who approached them with her in her arms. “Thank you Crimson Avenger and Crimson Lad. You saved the day.”

“All part of the service, madam,” Arthur replied. “Have a good day.” He turned to Merlin. “Come Crimson Lad, let us find someone to avenge!”

With that they flew off into the playground, seeking others to save.

c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, pt 395:crimson, *c:ajsrandom, c:arthur

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