Title: This is what makes life divine...
ella_rose88Rating: PG
Pairing: Merlin/Gwaine
Media: Fan art (graphic)
Warnings: None!
Artist’s Notes: Dear
violeteyedhair, I wish you a very Merry Christmas 🎄 and a Happy New Year 🥳 ! I hope you enjoy the art I made for you! I really enjoyed making something based on your prompt of 'curses' and 'true love's kiss'. I know Merlin and Gwaine don't kiss in the art (I lack the skills to either draw or create manips), but I could imagine the picture I used being Merlin and Gwaine looking at each other after sharing a kiss to break a curse. So I hope you don't mind.
I would also like to extend my thanks to the mods for doing a brilliant job running the festival :)
Disclaimer: Merlin is owned by the BBC and Shine. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made. Don't send us to the dungeons.