First Prize

Aug 08, 2012 01:33

Author: Nativestar
Title: First Prize
Rating: PG
Pairing/s: None
Character/s: Mainly Merlin and Gwaine
Summary: Merlin challenges Gwaine.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 264
Prompt: Gold

Five days.

They’d been riding for five days.

And for five very long days Gwaine had yet to shut up. His constant chatter was grating on everyone now and Merlin feared for Gwaine’s life if something wasn’t done about it.

“Hey Gwaine, how about if I beat you to that tree over there” Merlin pointed to a large oak on the horizon, “and back again, you don’t say another word until morning?”

Gwaine looked at the tree and back at Merlin, eyes narrowing as he sized up the challenge.

“Deal,” he was smirking now and Merlin smiled in return. Gwaine had no idea that back in Ealdor he’d often raced with Will, both of them challenging the other to go faster for longer. It was always close, but Merlin had won more often than he lost.

The race was quick and furious. Gwaine threw himself into it once he realised Merlin was not going to be easy to beat but Merlin had the entirety of the camp cheering him on, allowing him a final burst of speed that put him just ahead of Gwaine.

Now it was Merlin’s turn to smirk while the rest of the knights taunted Gwaine, riling him up and taking great glee in his silent retorts.


Merlin turned to face Arthur just in time to catch something glittering towards him. It was a gold coin.

“There should always be a prize at the end of a race.” Arthur explained.

“I thought the prize was Gwaine’s silence.”

“That’s everyone’s prize, that one’s yours alone.”

Merlin flipped the coin and grinned.


Hope I amused you! Took me ages to come up with an idea and I wish I had a bit longer. The idea is fine but I think my execution needs some work.

pt 018:gold, c:merlin, type:drabble, c:gwaine, rating:pg

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