Facebook Friends?

Jul 22, 2012 18:45

“No, no, no, no,” Merlin said, shaking his finger at an amused Arthur. “You clearly don’t understand.” He drawled the last word out, or maybe it was slurred - he had consumed a large amount of vodka, well a reasonable amount but it was Merlin.

“You’re right, I don’t!” Arthur smiled, taking a sip from his own cocktail - created by Gwaine.

“Ah-ha,” Merlin shouted, nearly tumbling out of the armchair. “Did ya hear that Gwaine, did ya? He said I was right!”

“I’ll admit the occasions are few and far between but something Merlin, something’s you can be right.”

Merlin sat up straighter and grinned.

Gwaine sauntered back into Arthur’s sitting room with a fresh pitcher of cocktail and sat on the sofa beside Arthur, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“What did I miss?” He asked, topping up the glasses.

“Merlin...” Arthur began, a smirk on his lips.

“There is a whole in my chest Gwaine,” Merlin proclaimed. “Right here, where my heart should be!”

“I think that’s your liver, actually,” Arthur said.

“Shut up,” Merlin scowled, trying to glare through the haze of alcohol. “She took it, she stole my heart.”

“And who might I ask is this cannibalistic maiden who stole your heart?” Gwaine asked.

“For God’s sake, don’t encourage him.”

“Freya,” Merlin said wistfully, before taking a gulp from his glass.

Gwaine grinned at Arthur.

“It’s not there anymore, she took it!” Merlin dramatically threw his arm over his eyes. “What are you doing?” He shrieked, when he noticed Arthur climbing over the coffee table and flopping down in front of Merlin, head on his chest.

“Nope,” Arthur said, sitting up again. “Definitely in there Merlin, I can hear it. Sounds like a stampede of wild elephants.”

“Wild horses,” Gwaine laughed.

“Susan Boyle fan, are we?” Arthur grinned as he crawled around the coffee table.

“You’re both useless! Why did I think you could me advice?” Merlin said.

“Advice, no. Alcohol, yes.” Gwaine grinned, petting Arthur’s head which was now cushioned on his lap.

“What should I do?”

“About what?” Gwaine asked, Arthur giggled.

“About Freya,” Merlin said like he was talking to a slow child.

“Hunt the bitch down and demand she give back the organ she so gracelessly took.”

“Ugh,” Merlin moaned.

“Fill me in,” Gwaine said, poking at Arthur.

“Freya is Merlin’s ex-girlfriend.”

“I got that much, thanks.”

“They dated when they were fifteen,” Arthur smirked.


“And she just sent him a request to be friends on Facebook.”

“That bitch,” Gwaine chuckled.

“She stole my heart, Gwaine and NOW! She wants to be friends.”

“She also stole his cherry,” Arthur said seriously.

“Ah,” Gwaine nodded in understanding. “All makes sense now, the first taste of Nirvana is hard to forget, or get over.”

“And that’s why you’ll never forget me,” Arthur grinned at Gwaine.

“Shut up, both of you!”

“It was ten years ago, Merlin.”

“Should I accept or decline?”

“If you want your heart back, I suggest you accept.” Gwaine laughed, dislodging Arthur’s head as he rooted in his pocket for his cigarettes.

“But why, why is she adding me now?” Merlin whined, putting his hand out for a cigarette which Arthur slapped away.

“Because she was going through her things and found a box labelled Merlin, only to open it and find your heart inside.”

“Shut up,” Merlin threw a pen at Arthur’s smirking head.

“Maybe Merlin, just maybe she saw your name and thought ‘hey, I used to know that guy maybe I’ll add him’,” Gwaine said.

“People don’t just add people randomly.”

“Yes, they do.”

“No, or well maybe they do but why accept someone you don’t know anymore or whatever.”

“To make friends,” Gwaine shook his head. “Do you not just see someone’s name you know and add them?” He looked at Merlin, who shook his head vehemently and then at Arthur, still on the floor.



“I like to know and talk to the person before I add them.”

“Arthur runs background checks on people first before becoming their friends.” Merlin grinned.

“I do it for you too,” Arthur said, taking a drink.

“I only asked you to do it twice - I really wasn’t sure about those guys.” Merlin pouted.

“Wait! You run checks on people?” Gwaine looked at Arthur, who nodded sheepishly. “Did you run one on me?”

Merlin burst out laughing.

“You did, didn’t you?” Gwaine said, outraged. “That’s a total abuse of your power - what would your CSI say?”

“He does it too,” Arthur grinned and then turned back to Merlin. “Do you want me to do it on Freya?”

“No, he does not!” Gwaine exclaimed.

Merlin grinned. “Could you also get a warrant to search her house and find my heart?”

“Of course,” Arthur raised his glass to Merlin.

“You’re both insane,” Gwaine said, shaking his head with a smile on his lips.

c:merlin, pt 016:picture prompt (bleeding heart), rating:g, *c:tambear13, type:drabble, p:arthur/gwaine

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