Prom night

Jul 17, 2012 18:01

Author: bunnysworld
Title: Prom night
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Arthur wears a ball gown and Merlin misunderstands
Warnings: beware of the peach-colored ball gown
Word Count: 441
Prompt: Confession
Author's Notes: This is all min7girl’s fault! She challenged me! *pouts* So, this is for you, dear. Might not be what you had in mind, but in my world, the ball gown follows them into each reincarnated life and this time they end up in today *grins*

Not beta-ed. I just scribbled this at the office and typed it up from my notes. So forgive the Bunnish and everything I did to your beautiful language without even noticing.

Prom night

Arthur grabbed the high heel of his delicate sandals and pulled first one, then the other off his feet before running down the stairs, ignoring the laughter of his schoolmates.

How on earth the others had managed to find those shoes in his size would forever be a mystery to him!

With the other hand he gathered up the skirt of the peach-colored atrocity of a ball gown he was wearing. The corset-like top was killing him, he could hardly breathe, but needed to follow him.
“Merlin! Merlin, wait!”

Arthur ran over the grass towards the trees he had seen Merlin heading for. Oh, there he was!


But the other boy didn’t react. He had his arms wrapped around himself and his head bowed, radiating sadness.

“What is it?”

Arthur breathed heavily. Damn, this dress was horrible, he was sweating like crazy. And still he picked up the sad tone in Merlin’s voice. “Merlin, listen,” he pleaded.

Merlin raised his head and Arthur could see the tears glistening in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Merlin. Let me explain.”

Merlin got a stubborn look on his face that quickly turned angry. “What’s there to explain? I thought you were my friend. I thought I could trust you!” He worked himself into a full rant. “And there I tell you this one thing. Do you know how hard it was to tell you that I’m gay? And you go and make fun of me! On prom night!” His arms were flailing and then the air seemed to rush out of him. “And just because I like blokes doesn’t mean I’m a cross-dresser, you clotpole.”

“It’s not like you think it is!” Arthur was still sweating in this stupid dress and when Merlin didn’t react, he went on. “This has nothing to do with you.”

“Oh? Gwaine said you were wearing this because of me.”

“Yeah, kind of, but not to make fun of you. It was part of a bet.”

The frown stayed on Merlin’s face, but there was interest in his eyes, too.

“The guys challenged me to ask the person I have a crush on for ages for a prom date.”

“You’re here with Vivian, everyone knows that.”

“Do you really think I would be wearing this,” Arthur plucked at the dress, “if I won the bet?”

Merlin just blinked at him. “But who…”

Arthur stepped close. “You, you idiot. I have a crush on you.”

Merlin just stared for a moment before a huge smile spread on his face.

“Once I changed back into my suit…would you save the last dance for me?”

Merlin just leaned in and kissed him.

pt 015:confessions, *c:bunnysworld, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin, rating:pg

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