
Jun 01, 2009 10:02


If the cost is my feeling responsible, I'll take it. I don't want to become that person ever again. Everything...even if I didn't dislike the person I was still so rude and brash. I treated them like they were fools, even called them that to their faces. I was angry, bitter, vengeful...that's not...not who I am, even thought it could have been.

I suppose some would think I have a right to be upset, hate him even, but I don't. He's my brother and I will always love him. I am so glad that has stayed with me.

I guess I better do what needs to be done...

[Filtered to Friends and Those Spoken to during Event: Unhackable]

It's cliched, but I am so sorry, that's the truth. I was unbelievably rude and horrible to you all. Once I can get out of this bed in the Hospital Wing I'll do everything I can to make it my point to make it up to you all.

[Filtered to Crona: Unhackable]

I...sorry isn't enough.

I'm going to get out of bed and come over to yours once no one is around okay?

[OOC: And here is the waves of guilt rushing in. She'll make you all sweets when she's discharged. <3 Any reprimands she will take, not much energy or motivation to fight back here. If you want to hack but are unsure if you can, ask me or check her profile. If you have two hearts, you're fine.]

injured, at peace with the past, hating herself, my brothers a death eater, reconciliation?, aftermath, masamune, sad thoughts, uh oh, brainbreak, post event trauma, angst, friends, guilty, crona

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